The Shaving Cadre

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BarberDave's Shaveapalooza

Brother, trust me when I say I was DEFINITELY joking.

One of my "greatest hits" was when I was waiting on the Paramedics to show up when I had a dementia patient who decided he had to pee. He had a Foley cath.

I heard a female scream. I ran. Then I grabbed ONE glove and became a human tourniquet!

I was a legend at work and throughout the County for a while there!

How many other professions get paid to be a tourniquet?!?
I know. :ROFLMAO: sometimes I just forget to laugh for a second.

The only time I've become a human tourniquet was when some lady's recently cauterized femoral artery decided not to be cauterized anymore. I'm still not sure why the doctor in the room tried to tube her while she was very much still alert and conscious and had a gag reflex. Good times! :ROFLMAO:
I know. :ROFLMAO: sometimes I just forget to laugh for a second.

The only time I've become a human tourniquet was when some lady's recently cauterized femoral artery decided not to be cauterized anymore. I'm still not sure why the doctor in the room tried to tube her while she was very much still alert and conscious and had a gag reflex. Good times! :ROFLMAO:
Lol, if you can't cry ya gotta laugh!
I know. :ROFLMAO: sometimes I just forget to laugh for a second.

The only time I've become a human tourniquet was when some lady's recently cauterized femoral artery decided not to be cauterized anymore. I'm still not sure why the doctor in the room tried to tube her while she was very much still alert and conscious and had a gag reflex. Good times! :ROFLMAO:
Ahh the memories LOL
Date: 07.31.2020 / Straight Razor Shave #1764 ( holding ) SE shave today
Razor: 1924 EverReady Shovel Head / GEM (2)
Brush: Matt DeRuiter Turquoise-Mesquite / Two-Band Boar
Shave Soap: Mitchell's Wool Fat
Aftershave: Aqua Velva Sport
Talc: Mennen Shave Talc
Fragrance: Penhaligon's Savoy Steam EdC

What a tremendous shave with the Shovel head today. Nothing like a solid heavy brass vintage razor plastered up against the face with the slickery MWF to guide it along. Some love MWF some hate it, but if you have the patience, similar to Williams, you will be rewarded beyond belief. It it why MWF has been around so long and a preferred soap for SR and SE shavers IMHO.. Tablespoon of water on the puck, soak your brush ( I feel a boar works best with MWF ) get most of the water our of the brush, take puck water and coat your face, then commence to loading.... Load some more..... yes more.... no you're not done yet....a bit more.....ok....nope a bit more. Take the proto-lather left over in the bowl, and wipe it on your face. Begin Face lather, and WORK it in..... Add a couple of drops of water for one side of the face, then some more for the other. Repeat this a few time really incorporating the water and o2 into the later.... and do it again, and again..... She will take the water...Get that "reflection" of creaminess and you are good to go! See, Easy Peasy.....

Good 3-pass shave for DSBBS, no irritation as the Ever-Ready treated me nice this morning. Of course followed by the AV sport, and a Very healthy Cloud application from the Mennen and an equally good bath in the Savoy steam and off to chop and shave.. Busy day today. Mine was great, I hope yours was as well.


Date: 07.31.2020 / Straight Razor Shave #1764 ( holding ) SE shave today
Razor: 1924 EverReady Shovel Head / GEM (2)
Brush: Matt DeRuiter Turquoise-Mesquite / Two-Band Boar
Shave Soap: Mitchell's Wool Fat
Aftershave: Aqua Velva Sport
Talc: Mennen Shave Talc
Fragrance: Penhaligon's Savoy Steam EdC

What a tremendous shave with the Shovel head today. Nothing like a solid heavy brass vintage razor plastered up against the face with the slickery MWF to guide it along. Some love MWF some hate it, but if you have the patience, similar to Williams, you will be rewarded beyond belief. It it why MWF has been around so long and a preferred soap for SR and SE shavers IMHO.. Tablespoon of water on the puck, soak your brush ( I feel a boar works best with MWF ) get most of the water our of the brush, take puck water and coat your face, then commence to loading.... Load some more..... yes more.... no you're not done yet....a bit more.....ok....nope a bit more. Take the proto-lather left over in the bowl, and wipe it on your face. Begin Face lather, and WORK it in..... Add a couple of drops of water for one side of the face, then some more for the other. Repeat this a few time really incorporating the water and o2 into the later.... and do it again, and again..... She will take the water...Get that "reflection" of creaminess and you are good to go! See, Easy Peasy.....

Good 3-pass shave for DSBBS, no irritation as the Ever-Ready treated me nice this morning. Of course followed by the AV sport, and a Very healthy Cloud application from the Mennen and an equally good bath in the Savoy steam and off to chop and shave.. Busy day today. Mine was great, I hope yours was as well.


Great shave Dave. MWF is great stuff!

Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk
Me Likey Variety LOL
I understand variety in gear, but variety in shave quality is something I don't want. For the most part, I seeks consistency in shave quality, though I admire the collections of razors many of us have. Some razors are truly works of art, that's for sure, while Vector is more an ergonomic and functional design. I respect and admire men who can take nearly any razor and shave BBS; I'm not one of them! My search for the perfect razor for me ended with Vector, though I love the vintage heft and feel too.
I understand variety in gear, but variety in shave quality is something I don't want. For the most part, I seeks consistency in shave quality, though I admire the collections of razors many of us have. Some razors are truly works of art, that's for sure, while Vector is more an ergonomic and functional design. I respect and admire men who can take nearly any razor and shave BBS; I'm not one of them! My search for the perfect razor for me ended with Vector, though I love the vintage heft and feel too.
Well if you look at most of my shaves, not really a razor that I cant get DSBBS with unless it not honed or I screw something up. But I chase BBS everyday as IMHO. Whats the point if you are not BBS. Might as well not shave LOL. I know plenty of guys are good with DFS, or short of BBS due to timing, however my day includes scheduling of time specifically for shaving. The shave sets the tone of my day, keeps tue spring in my step, and a smile on my face. I am very blessed that my world both work and home revolve in this “Shaving and Barbering” Place.
Hi Dave,

Dave wanted to know if I have spoken with Dave (you, I think) about the multiple time retirement thing. No, not that Dave, but the Dave that Daves the Dave Dave. It seems that Dave is concerned, but the the other Dave is Dave-okay!
((Why do I now want to start chanting the Monty Python SPAM song? :unsure: )
Hi Dave,

Dave wanted to know if I have spoken with Dave (you, I think) about the multiple time retirement thing. No, not that Dave, but the Dave that Daves the Dave Dave. It seems that Dave is concerned, but the the other Dave is Dave-okay!
((Why do I now want to start chanting the Monty Python SPAM song? :unsure: )
C'mon... only retired twice
Once from Air Force
Once from the Fire Department ( but that was an injury not a retiremement)
Once from the Insurance Biz
and it all led me to the one career I should have done before all of them LOL. Now I dont go to work I go to enjoy and get paid for my passion LOL
Date: 08.01.2020 / Straight Razor Shave #1766
Razor: ERN ATOR 6/8 Swayback
Brush: Sorrentino BrushWorks Corleone / Synth
Shave Soap: CBL Cherry Blossom Bamboo
Aftershave: Swiss Pitralon
Talc: Mennen Shave Talc
Fragrance: Penhaligon's Blasted Heath EdP

Decided to go ahead and do a straight shave before heading to the Shop today, and glad I did. No new stuff, just a different pairing that seems and odd bunch of combinations but actually it worked pretty well. the CBB is a hidden Gem and Sharon and I find ourselves fighting over who gets to keep it, and in whose den it resides, LOL. The Swiss Pitralon is just good all around stuff and the Blasted Heath brings a beautiful Aquatic to the party.

All orchestrated by ATOR and the Corleone as one prepares and one skates around. 3-passes, DSBBS, some clouds and Vasilli's and all is good for "My Friday". Hope you all had a nice Saturday.

