The Shaving Cadre

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Even with protective gear, a shoulder to the loins would leave a nice bruise. So a codpiece would only result in ungainly bulges.
That is a great story Chad. Gotta say it is interesting and nice to actually hear the perspective of an official. If it weren't for my screwy work schedule i would definitely consider officiating wrestling. That and swimming were my sports in HS. I had mostly great experiences with officials but there was one ref that clearly had it out with my HS and in my Senior year he actually let an opponent choke me out in a championship match. Even people in the bleachers could see it was an illegal headlock and he looked me in the eye as i blacked out. My coach filed a complaint but i have no idea if it went anywhere.
That is a great story Chad. Gotta say it is interesting and nice to actually hear the perspective of an official. If it weren't for my screwy work schedule i would definitely consider officiating wrestling. That and swimming were my sports in HS. I had mostly great experiences with officials but there was one ref that clearly had it out with my HS and in my Senior year he actually let an opponent choke me out in a championship match. Even people in the bleachers could see it was an illegal headlock and he looked me in the eye as i blacked out. My coach filed a complaint but i have no idea if it went anywhere.

You should consider joining up. It is so rewarding.

To your other point yes sadly there are bad officials out there and they should not be officiating. It is like any other profession. I like to think that I am one of the good ones. I exercise being impartial, and try to be as fair as possible. I also do the right thing and block the high school I attended. I have worked with bad officials before and have heard some crazy things come out of there mouths.
I have ice bags wrapped on my legs, my plantar fasciitis brace on, and nursing a beer. I did 14 games this week. Region play is a busy time of year. Back on the court tuesday
I have ice bags wrapped on my legs, my plantar fasciitis brace on, and nursing a beer. I did 14 games this week. Region play is a busy time of year. Back on the court tuesday

Sorry to hear man...soak them legs and keep them moving. Can't let them get stiff!

But...why do they call it nursing a beer? In this case Chad...I think the beer is nursing you!
Well guys this is pretty normal. I usually soak and ice my legs each night after officiating. Those hardwood floors are hard on the joints. I also meet up with the trainer on site to get taped up before the games too.

But thanks for the good vibes. I wasn't trying to complain it's more or less just what I do standard to try and keep the body in good working order.

By the way I had a lot friends messaging me about the NFC game yesterday. As you know I haven't watched any NFL all season. Well guess what I watched that clip and I can not believe that wasn't called. Wow! I usually stick up for my bretheren in black and white but that was HORRIBLE!
Well guys this is pretty normal. I usually soak and ice my legs each night after officiating. Those hardwood floors are hard on the joints. I also meet up with the trainer on site to get taped up before the games too.

But thanks for the good vibes. I wasn't trying to complain it's more or less just what I do standard to try and keep the body in good working order.

By the way I had a lot friends messaging me about the NFC game yesterday. As you know I haven't watched any NFL all season. Well guess what I watched that clip and I can not believe that wasn't called. Wow! I usually stick up for my bretheren in black and white but that was HORRIBLE!

The NFL weighed in and said that should have been called. What is really sad, had that penalty been called, the Saints could have ran out the clock and then no over time. Saints win and New Orleans rocks until after Mardi Gras!
Back in the day working at a call center for a shift got wearisome. Until I got into the right shoes. These days that would tear me up.
So one of my partners today is female. During our game she has a coach berating her so she gives him a technical foul. I then switch spots with her so I'm by the coach, and she is administering free throws. The coach then says to me while pointing at her, "you need to control that thing over and help her with her calls. That thing is out of control." I turned said, "coach that's enough and you can go home early. Have a good day." The game was stopped as he was escorted off the court.

And yup this was while wearing our blue wristbands.