The Shaving Cadre

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Ask a Referee

That would be giving up more hair then the goatee shave. Sorry to take a jab while you're down Chad. Hope it heals quick.
Sorry to hear about the almost injury...but it could be a lot worse...protect yourself man...if you are going to get tackled...I think you need to set some moving picks!
Oh you guys! I thought guys didn't shave their legs?

I am a little black and blue this morning, but no limp thankfully. I guess we'll see how I do when I run.
Okay here is a clip from my game last Friday. This was a pivotal play in the game. I am the LJ so the official at the bottom of the screen. The back judge and I ruled this a fumble at the 2 yard line, recovered by defense in endzone, touchback.
Run Forest run!

Dang Chad...good call; one of those blink at the wrong moment and you miss it.
Yes definitely helps if you slow it down, and kind of go play, pause, play, pause.... But the ball is clearly out at the 2 yard line.
I have no idea what you said or what I’m supposed to see but what I saw was the blue guy loses the ball after getting hit and a guy in White grabs it with no difficulty at all...then there was a pile up.
I have no idea what you said or what I’m supposed to see but what I saw was the blue guy loses the ball after getting hit and a guy in White grabs it with no difficulty at all...then there was a pile up.

Chris you should contact your local high school association and become an official. You got an eye for it!
Chad, only reason I knew what happened is because of your explanation before hand. To see it in "The moment" at speed and with the pressure and make the correct call!! Just wow, ya got skillz man. NICE
Chad, only reason I knew what happened is because of your explanation before hand. To see it in "The moment" at speed and with the pressure and make the correct call!! Just wow, ya got skillz man. NICE

Thanks Dave. When first starting out the game is very fast as an official. They say you need about a whole season under your belt before the games starts to slow down.
That was crazy. There is absolutely no way in Hades that I could ever catch that in real time. I would not make a good ref, at all.
Poor fella in the B&W stripes at the bottom of the screen needs to run too dang much!
OH ya! I can feel my wife's eye rolling right now when I turn that on!
What we need is someone live streaming on YouTube during the game, while we all watch and critique the play calls on the chat!
Not sure if you guys like these or not but if not I will stop posting them

two plays here from last friday. The first play is an onsides kick attempt. Did the kicking team recover? (remember has to go ten yards) OR was this a kick out of bounds? We deliberated for probably ten min on this one.

The second play I feared for my life I thought I was going to get hit in the head.