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Ask a Referee

I agree with Dave, but dang that's close. And coming back to this thread now I'm ticked off. I FORGOT ABOUT THE STREAMING GAME!!!

Keep it up buddy. Interesting to see the plays and hear what happened.
FYI the stream will still show the game. I missed a call in the first quarter can you find it? I'm still upset by it.

Anyways the kick. First off all I was the official on the opposite side so I was not the ruling official. Here was the ruling:

The kick did advance ten yards, kicking team had first touching however when recovering the ball his body was also outbounds therefore the kick was ruled 'kick out of bounds' this was a huge call. And to be completely honest with this camera angle... Only one we have I'm not sure it was the right call. But what I do know is that the official who made the ultimate call has been doing this a LONG time and has called state championship games. He had the best look at it, and I trust his judgement.
I should add that sense it was ruled kick out of bounds the ball went to the team in black plus 5 yards for the penalty of kicking the ball out of bounds. Which is why the call was so big
Eh, but the team in white had to have been behind and going to lose to pull that play. So no biggie ?
Friday Night at the High School game I was at. Our team was laying a heavy beating on the visiting team and by halftime, the score was 40-0. The Second half seemed to take less than half the time of the first half as the clock quit stopping for any reason at all. Is there some kind of mercy rule to end the game quickly? It was cool because I was with the band, so we got to play a post game and get home earlier.
Google is my friend. Found the answer. Things really have changed since last I was at a High school Game. When my son was in High School, our team regularly got blown out by spectacular numbers!
NFHS technically doesn't have a mercy rule. They leave that up to each individual state to decide. Here it's 35.
And that would be.....?
In order to end a bad game quickly, many states have adopted ‘mercy rules’ that (here in Ohio) prevent the clock from stopping for anything but officials time outs. There is an option to call the game at halftime if the coaches agree, but my understanding is that rarely happens. The kids get frustrated and can injure themselves or others through unsportsmanlike behaviors. Alternatively, it protects a Coach from allegations of ‘running up the score’
In Utah the clock continues to run, when officials instruct it to do so, only after 2 quarters have been played and a team is winning by 35 or more. In order for the clock to go back to normal the score must be within 21.
Okay Chad. By now you have likely heard that my LSU Tigers will be without maybe the best Linebacker in the Country for the first half of the LSU-Alabama game. Devin White was ejected on Saturday night against Mississippi State for "targeting" against the Bulldogs' QB Nick Fitzgerald. My question to you is...would you have called this targeting? Losing our best defensive player for a half is going to hurt in two weeks.
I dunno, he looked like he was already in the lunge upon release of the ball to me. Failure of the QB’s defense if you ask me.

Interested to hear Chad.
I'm not knowledgeable about these rules but seeing helmet to helmet seems to be the big deal nowadays and I see that. I look forward to the call of the Referee of the TSC too
See...I'm not sure there was helmet to helmet contact. If there was definitely slight. I am all for protecting players especially when they are defenseless. But when a player does everything he is supposed to what point are these calls frivolous.

I personally don't think every call should result in a player missing half a game.
Oh, and by the way...the SEC replay officials perform their duties for each game in Birmingham Alabama...not far from Tuscaloosa where the University of Alabama is located. Yeah...I'm saying it...the fix is in...?