The Shaving Cadre

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Another Shaving Journal

Yea, I’d say the Vector is pretty much a modern AC injector, minus the injecting action, and the BBS lasts longer for me. I’ve had no problem using it daily so far, or with irritation, even though there’s been less stubble growth in some cases for the next day’s shave.
  • LNHC Gentleman's Lavender
  • Maggard 24mm tuxedo synthetic
  • Blackland Vector/Schick Proline (#3)
  • Fine Fresh Vetiver
Third shave with the Vector and it was the best yet. It takes less time to shave now: the AC blade sweeps up more whiskers per pass, and there is less touch-up required. BBS with less effort: that's a win-win if ever there was one. :)
  • LNHC Gentleman's Lavender
  • Maggard 24mm tuxedo synthetic
  • Blackland Vector/Schick Proline (#5)
  • Fine Fresh Vetiver
Cold day in the 'Burgh - low 20s and flurries. Looks like SF will get to the SB, oh well, go KC. :)
Had a big brunch at Orig PC House with son, then we saw 1917. Still digesting that movie. Good flick.
  • LNHC Gentleman's Lavender
  • Maggard 24mm tuxedo synthetic
  • Blackland Vector/Schick Proline (#6)
  • Fine Fresh Vetiver
So the work week begins. Yesterday my wife and I met our oldest son at an incredible bakery near his home for a quick get-together. Very nice getting caught up, topped off with delicious treats. I brought a peanut butter/fudge cake to work this morning so co-workers could enjoy a holiday treat as well.
  • LNHC Gentleman's Lavender
  • Maggard 24mm tuxedo synthetic
  • Blackland Vector/Schick Proline (#7)
  • Fine Fresh Vetiver
My shaves are getting faster as I gain confidence in using the Vector. It is a remarkable tool. The doughnut hole in the soap has appeared, so I'm starting to consider which will be next up. I'm leaning to a CBL Tonsorial, to see how long it will last.