The Shaving Cadre

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Another Shaving Journal

Gotta love an incoming Mail Call. The Vector has been getting a ton of love. I’m looking forward to your thoughts on it.
  • LNHC Gentleman's Lavender
  • Maggard 24mm tuxedo synthetic
  • Blackland Vector/Schick Proline (#1)
  • Fine Fresh Vetiver
First shave with the Vector or any Artist Club razor. Was a little nervous, not knowing what to expect. A couple of strokes in I realized it was just a razor, though wider than usual. Found the angle quickly enough and had myself a BBS with minor irritation in one corner of my mouth. All in all, a successful first outing. This razor is nicely balanced, easily gripped, and a perfect length for my hand. I think I'm going to like it.
That’s....adequate. I was hoping for more of the clouds parting, angels singing, shaving nirvana type of thing.
Perhaps after I have it dialed in. I found it incredibly easy to use - it fits nicely in my hand, and it has a nice heft and is well balanced. I like the way it shaves my neck in far fewer strokes than other razors. The size of the head is great for close work around my nose. Very well designed and engineered. (y)
You guys are killin me with this Vector love lol. The only AC razor I own is my Feather SS, though I might just pull the trigger on another...eventually.
  • LNHC Gentleman's Lavender
  • Maggard 24mm tuxedo synthetic
  • Blackland Vector/Schick Proline (#2)
  • Fine Fresh Vetiver
Second Vector shave this morning was as pleasurable as the first. Super close shave, minimal sting from the AS, and I'm good to go. I am fast becoming a Vector fan. I originally thought the wider head would be problematic, but it hasn't been yet. The head is quite nimble around curves and creases, owing to its overall small design. It reminds me of the old Sensor cart in the respect, which was a nifty little razor.