The Shaving Cadre

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Another Shaving Journal

  • CBL Soaps hemp base unscented (15)
  • Razorock Bruce synthetic brush
  • Stirling Travel Bowl
  • Gillette Old type single ring razor/Super-Max Titanium blade (5)
  • DSC Post Shave Cream
This is a winning setup. The blade has one or two quality shaves left on it; the brush is a little smaller than the Maggard I was using; the soap produces stellar lather in the knobby neoprene Stirling bowl; and the razor is a joy to use. I can't get over how efficient it is with its narrow blade gap. The thin head allows the blade to reach hard to get spots. I like it more each time I use it.

Fun Zoom call last night. @NurseDave did a terrific job with the shaving with the chosen gear. Be sure to watch is video:

@CVargo shared fascinating stories of refereeing, and fielded questions regarding the same. I learned some new stuff, as Chad provided insights into football refereeing's finer points. All in all, an enjoyable evening was had by all.

Have a great day, Cadre. :)
  • CBL Soaps hemp base unscented (16)
  • Razorock Bruce synthetic brush
  • Stirling Travel Bowl
  • Gillette Old type single ring razor/Super-Max Titanium blade (6)
  • DSC Post Shave Cream
Excellent shave as I continue to get more efficient with the razor. The titanium blades are far superior to the stainless version, IME. Though this brush is The Finest Ever Made, I'll switch to a larger one tomorrow. Let me emphasize that this is not for variety, I simply need to play with more new to me stuff.
  • CBL Soaps hemp base unscented (17)
  • Razorock synthetic brush
  • Stirling Travel Bowl
  • Gillette Old type single ring razor/Super-Max Titanium blade (7)
  • DSC Post Shave Cream
I'm fairly sure that this is a 26mm knot. Cannot find it in Razorock's current lineup, but it is bigger than a 24mm Omega boar that I used for years. I wasn't expecting it to be such a water hog. I filled the sink, then dipped the brush tip in, and watched as the water level steadily dropped. Refilled the sink, dipped the brush tip in, and again the water level dropped to halfway full. Loaded and lathered in the usual fashion and proceeded to have a nice shave. The blade got pitched afterward as the decline in quality was evident.

Have a great day, Cadre. :)
What I thought was synthetic is silvertip badger. Razorock's current lineup has Chubbies, but not with this handle. Initial impression was that it was a Chubby, but when I couldn't find it there, I began to have doubts. Fattest brush I've ever owned at 27.5mm, this Chubby will see plenty of use.
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What I thought was synthetic is silvertip badger. Razorock's current lineup has Chubbies, but not with this handle. Initial impression was that it was a Chubby, but when I couldn't find it there, I began to have doubts. Fattest brush I've ever owned at 27.5mm, this Chubby will see plenty of use.
Yea, definitely not a synth! Looks great though…love the handle shape; looks comfy.

This one looks like it:
  • CBL Soaps hemp base unscented (18)
  • Razorock Chubby Silvertip
  • Stirling Travel Bowl
  • Gillette Old type single ring razor/Super-Max Titanium blade (1)
  • DSC Post Shave Cream
Soaked the brush for a couple minutes, then gently shook once before loading. Great shave with a new blade.

Went to a pizza party last evening at an organization providing cancer outreach services. Cancer Bridges is the result of two similar centers combining resources under one roof. Of the two, I am most familiar with the one descended from Gilda's House. The pizza and other goodies were excellent, and the company was fabulous. There were about 20-25 members there, and we all briefly shared a bit of our cancer experiences to the rapt audience. The shared experiences, the laughter, and the tears were all met with kindness, caring, warmth, and love. The hope, determination, grit, and understanding permeated throughout the courtyard. A spiritually fulfilling evening for all, I believe. I've been volunteering there for 7+ years, starting a year after I finished treatment. I think I may have finally come to terms with being one of the lucky ones, a long term survivor. Previously, I have felt pangs of guilt when speaking with those whose chances of survival are slim. However, long term survivors often give those in treatment hope, so it's very important to be there. Last night, two terminally ill people were there, and their courage was palpable. That they could actually laugh in the face of life-altering treatments, and near certain death is something I always find to be spiritually uplifting. 😌

Have a terrific day, Cadre.