The Shaving Cadre

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Another Shaving Journal

I’m struggling to find all the B’s in the Bruce Rating System in the Stooges.🤔
Bombs and Bullets for sure, so it earns a lowly 2B rating. The usual rules shouldn't apply here, IMO, because the other Bs (Blood, Breasts, and Buttocks) weren't yet prevalent in film. Perhaps Buffoonery? That would entitle The Stooges to the minimal 3B rating that I insist upon.
  • CBL Soaps hemp base unscented (11)
  • Maggard tuxedo synthetic
  • Stirling Travel Bowl
  • Gillette 1946-7 Aristocrat/Super-Max Titanium blade (1)
  • DSC Post Shave Cream
New blade this morning. First shave was excellent; we'll see if they're as good as I remember.

Big changes around here. I finished my time at the VA, and today interviewed for a lowkey job in a nursing home. The interview went well, I believe, but we shall see. It's possible HR will consider me to be overqualified. This facility is less than 10 minutes from home, which I find very appealing. A funny thing occurred during my tour around the place, which made me smile. I was wearing a suit and tie, of course. An employee (I think, perhaps a family member) asked me if I was "the hospice pastor". Trust me when I say that I have never been mistaken for a pastor before! He must have thought I was Chris @GearNoir . ;)

See you around the forums, Cadre. :)
Working close to home is always a good thing. Hope you get it, Bruce.
Thank you. This could be the best of both worlds: it's primarily an office job, but there is also patient and family contact. For the past 13+ years my office job had me buried in spreadsheets and databases. After 10 years or so, the thrill was gone. I pursued nursing because when done well, you can have a positive impact on patients and families. I learned this when hospitalized after a car crash in 1980.
Bruce was Holy Rollin for a day! I guess that’s better than being mistaken for the janitor 😂
I suppose I should have answered the man truthfully, but he gave me a $50 donation for "the church." ;)
  • CBL Soaps hemp base unscented (12)
  • Maggard tuxedo synthetic
  • Stirling Travel Bowl
  • Gillette 1946-7 Aristocrat/Super-Max Titanium blade (2)
  • DSC Post Shave Cream
Yes, the blade is as good as I'd remembered. Sharp and smooth. See you around, Cadre! :)
  • CBL Soaps hemp base unscented (13)
  • Razorock Bruce synthetic brush
  • Franklin Co. Barbershop shaving mug
  • Gillette Old type single ring razor/Super-Max Titanium blade (3)
  • DSC Post Shave Cream
First use of the brush, mug, and razor left me less than satisfied. The culprit seems to be the mug, with its smooth interior. It simply did not produce the volume of lather that I'm accustomed to. The lather was also not thick enough, in fact, it was quite airy. I'm absolving the brush, as it quickly loaded the usual amount. Its very name signifies greatness and nobility. The razor has a brass handle and silver-colored baseplate and head, clearly a Frankenrazor. It has the narrowest head profile I've ever had the pleasure of using, making it surprisingly mild yet close. It has no markings on it. Pictures sometime today.

I'll use the same setup, minus the mug, tomorrow. Have a great day, Cadre. :)
I now use my scuttle (no water) when I need a shave bowl. I was trying to reduce some of my gear and decided to use the scuttle for both jobs. The wife saw me pulling the copper bowl, from my shelf, to put into my PST box and she snagged it.
  • CBL Soaps hemp base unscented (14)
  • Razorock Bruce synthetic brush
  • Stirling Travel Bowl
  • Gillette Old type single ring razor/Super-Max Titanium blade (4)
  • DSC Post Shave Cream
Much better lather today, so a much better shave. Initial polishing up of the razor reveals only scratches, and not letters, on the interior shaft. This razor is a puzzle: The head, baseplate, and collar appear silver-colored; the exterior shaft and knob of the interior shaft are brass. What puzzles me is that the collar has no wear on it revealing brass underneath, and exterior shaft, baseplate, and head have no discernible wear either. It is especially curious that the collar sitting atop the brass exterior shaft shows no wear. Is it possible to replace only the collar? I really don't know what to make of that.

It's a nice little shaver though, surprisingly mild for an OC, undoubtedly due to the narrow blade gap. I like it; it's a definite keeper. That a razor from 1906ish or so continues to perform flawlessly is totally cool to me. The shaving mug is now seeing duty as a razor and blade holder, giving the powder room a little bit of a shave den look. :)

The Steelers - Seahawks game last night was entertaining, capped with a Steelers win. Both teams played surprisingly well for an exhibition game; there were very few penalties. Looked for a moment that a bad referee spot gave Seattle a chance to win, but the Steelers quickly forced a fumble and scored to win. The rookies played well, which they hopefully will continue to do. (y)

Zoom call in a couple of hours, with @NurseDave shaving with heaven-knows-what. It promises to be a good time. PM BarberDave for an invitation; the call is sure to be entertaining.