The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Another Shaving Journal

  • Shannon's Soaps Nil (18)
  • Maggard tuxedo synthetic
  • Stirling Travel Bowl
  • Gillette 1946-7 Aristocrat/Gillette Silver Blue blade (5)
  • DSC Post Shave Cream
Great shave today. The GSB is going strong. I'll use it till it tugs, I suppose. Don't have a feel for how long it'll last, so my final shave with it will be a chore, but I'll persevere. Got hearing aids about a month ago, but now dealing with an unpainful ear infection, so can't wear it on the left, so I have both off now. Y'all will need to speak up tonight.
Very enjoyable Zoom tonight. Please consider joining in if you haven't yet. They can be a lot of fun. For instance, tonight we had an impromptu stunt shave by Matt @Luecke3262, who was a good sport about it, even though he did push back on some of our better suggestions. Personally, I thought KJ's @Spider suggestion of Tobasco sauce as an AS was genius, though Matt seemed reluctant. As I said, join in - they're lots of fun. 😁
  • Shannon's Soaps Nil (20)
  • Maggard tuxedo synthetic
  • Stirling Travel Bowl
  • Gillette 1946-7 Aristocrat/Gillette Silver Blue blade (7)
  • DSC Post Shave Cream
A much-needed shave this morning. I'm now smooth and clean, feeling keen. The blade tugged a little, so I pitched it. I'll choose another blade from my son's hand-me-downs tomorrow. See you around the forums, Cadre! :)
  • Shannon's Soaps Nil (21)
  • Maggard tuxedo synthetic
  • Stirling Travel Bowl
  • Gillette 1946-7 Aristocrat/Personna Super blade (1)
  • DSC Post Shave Cream
Chose the Personna blade this morning. Seems to be on a par with GSB - quite sharp and smooth. The soap keeps chugging along, producing great lather. I'm ready to move on, but this soap won't quit. Being frugal, I am honor bound to continue using it awhile longer. :)