The Shaving Cadre

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2022 TSC Convention Las Vegas April 22-24,2022 (DISCUSSION THREAD ONLY)

I was asked to write up a list of do's and don'ts for our upcoming CON and I was happy to provide that for everyone (it will be in your registration look for it) but I've been thinking about a few things that I may have missed. All minor things, nothing crucial or as important as what's already on that list....but just a few additional things. I'll add them as they come to me or as the info becomes more accurate (such as the weather and so forth).

Important extra info #1:

Its pronounced Ne-Vaa-Da (like Dad)....not Ne-Vaw-Da (like ahhhh, isn't that incorrect). I know I used to say it wrong when I lived in California but I was corrected shortly after moving here.

Important extra info #2:

Do not try to use your phone while you're sitting at a blackjack table. They'll ask you to step away from the table and finish your call. It's a security thing...don't argue with the dealer...just step away from the table, finish your call and step back. To avoid this problem, I just shut my phone off.
So we kinda talked loosely about this on zoom, but may I make a formal request?

For everyone who chooses to partake, to bring some bottle of something local or one of your favorites to share to drink? If you are able to bring it with you safely and legally. Not a requirement, just if you want to.

I thought of this today, When I was looking at the liquor store, I was reminded of a local gin we have here that is among the best I’ve ever tried. Was going to bring a bottle of that along with the previously requested Jeremiah Weed.

I think some of us are already planning on doing this, just wanted to open it up for more exposure, for greater sampling choices.
Well kids.....the CON weekend just got a bit more interesting. Saturday night. April 23rd is the first night of the Summer Free concert series....and the first show is at the stage right next to the Four Queens on the east side of the building on Fremont Street and the band is Parmalee (I'm not familiar with their work but I recognize the name). The free shows always bring a large crowd and it makes wandering up and down Fremont Street a bit of a pain. First of all, they have metal detectors at either end of the venue area so if you normally carry a pocket knife (or anything metal)....leave that at home or in your room (I normally leave mine in the car when I head downtown). Our dinner that evening is at a place west of the Four Queens so that won't affect anything but it will make it tougher to wander about east of the Four Queens (still plenty of things to see to the west). There are ways to get around the concert crowd but it does require a bit more time and walking. So if there is any plans to do anything from 8-11 pm on the east side of the Four Queens on that saturday night....its not impossible....just a bit more time consuming.
Well kids.....the CON weekend just got a bit more interesting. Saturday night. April 23rd is the first night of the Summer Free concert series....and the first show is at the stage right next to the Four Queens on the east side of the building on Fremont Street and the band is Parmalee (I'm not familiar with their work but I recognize the name). The free shows always bring a large crowd and it makes wandering up and down Fremont Street a bit of a pain. First of all, they have metal detectors at either end of the venue area so if you normally carry a pocket knife (or anything metal)....leave that at home or in your room (I normally leave mine in the car when I head downtown). Our dinner that evening is at a place west of the Four Queens so that won't affect anything but it will make it tougher to wander about east of the Four Queens (still plenty of things to see to the west). There are ways to get around the concert crowd but it does require a bit more time and walking. So if there is any plans to do anything from 8-11 pm on the east side of the Four Queens on that saturday night....its not impossible....just a bit more time consuming.
Sat night is our dinner and then free night and hospitality night so I do not see an issue just a bit more crowded and most of us will be hanging up there, Friday night is our big Fremont st. Plus if Chad wears his chaps I ma sure the crowd will clear fast.... Especially when the cops show up to take him away..
Since we're all assuming that a chap-wearing Chad is going to get hauled off by the police, it made me think of another...

Important extra info #3:

Never argue with security. They will always win. Trust me. I was once sitting at a blackjack table and a guy got a bit over-served and he started getting verbally abusive to the dealer when he wasn't playing like a sober person and was losing. Security showed up and asked him if there was a problem and he thought he would tell them to mind their own business. I don't think the police take people down as fast as the 4 security guys did. In this town, money is king and the casinos have all of it. If security needs to deal with someone, they don't have to answer to the police....who aren't even allowed on property without permission from security. Usually the problem person is "escorted" off property (if you're lucky, your feet get to touch the ground a few times on the way out) and you land at the feet of Metro police officers who promptly arrest you for trespassing. Gone are the days of Mob bosses cutting off your fingers but the same no-nonsense attitude in security still holds true. If you come face to face with a guy in a security uniform and he’s asking you to settle down… nicely and avoid making your crappy evening a story to tell his friends and family (My SIL was in security….I’ve heard some of the stories).