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2022-2023 Football Season

Okay @CVargo just want to hear your thoughts on this call. Not saying the refs got it wrong...I just want to hear your thoughts. The whole thing played out kind of weird. That being said...I think the refs that called the Bama/LSU game officiated one of the better games I have seen in a while.

Congratulations to @dangerousdon
Wow what a game. Just don't have a letdown in the coming weeks.
You win out and you make the playoffs. No way will they keep a SEC winner out.
I about lost my appetite on the BUCKS game. The weather had a bit to do with the way we played. But man if we run the ball like that BYE BYE championship.
Oh and @Scuttlesoap
Nice dominant victory 10-2 is a great year.
So remember the plays on kick offs where the returner would put themselves out of bounds and then the kick would be ruled out of bounds?

So NCAA and NFHS (HS rule book) hate that rule. And added new rule to their books.

NCAA when the ball is touched by a player who is out of bounds the ball is dead. Since when the ball was loose when it became dead it is retained by team that last possessed.

NFHS the Alabama player would have been flagged for illegal participation a 15 yard penalty... and retain possession. Because of same as above.

It sucks because in the video it appears and seems obvious that LSU recovered the fumble and the Alabama had no idea he was out of bounds. I can't wait to join the NCAA Referee call tomorrow and see what they say.
So remember the plays on kick offs where the returner would put themselves out of bounds and then the kick would be ruled out of bounds?

So NCAA and NFHS (HS rule book) hate that rule. And added new rule to their books.

NCAA when the ball is touched by a player who is out of bounds the ball is dead. Since when the ball was loose when it became dead it is retained by team that last possessed.

NFHS the Alabama player would have been flagged for illegal participation a 15 yard penalty... and retain possession. Because of same as above.

It sucks because in the video it appears and seems obvious that LSU recovered the fumble and the Alabama had no idea he was out of bounds. I can't wait to join the NCAA Referee call tomorrow and see what they say.
Yeah please relay any insight you learn. Rules are rules but that one is just weird in this circumstance.
Congratulations to @dangerousdon
Wow what a game. Just don't have a letdown in the coming weeks.
You win out and you make the playoffs. No way will they keep a SEC winner out.
I about lost my appetite on the BUCKS game. The weather had a bit to do with the way we played. But man if we run the ball like that BYE BYE championship.
Oh and @Scuttlesoap
Nice dominant victory 10-2 is a great year.
Only saw clips of Ohio State game. But man what crazy weather. A lot of betters lost money on that game as I’m sure the spread wasn’t covered. But nice win nonetheless.
Congratulations to @dangerousdon
Wow what a game. Just don't have a letdown in the coming weeks.
You win out and you make the playoffs. No way will they keep a SEC winner out.
I about lost my appetite on the BUCKS game. The weather had a bit to do with the way we played. But man if we run the ball like that BYE BYE championship.
Oh and @Scuttlesoap
Nice dominant victory 10-2 is a great year.
All I want for Christmas is a Penn State national title - is that too much to ask? 😂
Seriously though. I used to be really high on James Franklin but it is apparent that he is under using the Penn State program.
I really miss Bill O’Brien……he added class to the organization. Quite frankly, I question Franklin’s ability to lead men or development them into productive members of society based on his behavior - but it will take $66 million to buy him out this year. Wow - who wrote that contract 😂
The loss hurt, but I can always count on the SEC Shorts crew to put a smile on my face.


Ouch! Thanks again, SEC Shorts...


I think what you are asking - is for the TSC to provide a list of grievances to how PSU, the greatest team to ever play football, has been screwed out of a rightful championship. Well I am here to answer your call to arms.

1. 1968 - PSU undefeated; Ohio State given national championship as part of a charity drive.
2. 1969 - PSU undefeated; Texas too scared to play PSU in a bowl, Richard Nixon declares Texas National Championship; Nixon was then impeached. Just sayin’
3. 1981 - PSU crushes Marcus Allen and USC in the Fiesta Bowl, gets zero respect and the national championship is awarded to Clemson. Years later - Clemson is punished by the football deities by allowing Notre Dame to drub them in 2022.
***Interim Note: 1982, Penn State smashed Hershel Walker and Georgia in the Sugar Bowl - gets national title. Not a screwup - just like writing that Penn State beat an SEC team. Handily. Hershel cried. A lot. I mean rivers of tears.
4. 1994 - Penn State goes undefeated. Plucks the feathers of the Oregon Ducks in the Rose Bowl. Nebraska steals the National Championship. Karma comes back to haunt them - cursing them to the worst team in the Big 10.