The Shaving Cadre

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2022-2023 Football Season

Dang there are some great matchups today!
If you are in the SEC. All others pretty much suck. I mean I guess you can call #24 Texas @ #13 Kansas State or #21 Wake Forest @ #22 NC State a good matchup...I mean if that is your sort of thing.

But for the rest of the football world (that matters at least)...the SEC is the place to watch! #1 Tennessee @ #3 Georgia for the middle slate of games and #6 Alabama @ #10 LSU!!!!

So witch matchup are you watching today...Tennessee @ Georgia? Or Alabama @ LSU? I am going to try to watch both...but the wife has some "Honey-Dos" in the making for the day. But, I did carve out some time and cleared it with the boss, to make sure I watch the LSU game.
I want to take this time and give my sincerest condolences to @Scuttlesoap , As the Air Force will be showing them who’s dominant in football. Please say a prayer for Brian as I’m sure this will bring him much sadness
Dang there are some great matchups today!
If you are in the SEC. All others pretty much suck. I mean I guess you can call #24 Texas @ #13 Kansas State or #21 Wake Forest @ #22 NC State a good matchup...I mean if that is your sort of thing.

But for the rest of the football world (that matters at least)...the SEC is the place to watch! #1 Tennessee @ #3 Georgia for the middle slate of games and #6 Alabama @ #10 LSU!!!!

So witch matchup are you watching today...Tennessee @ Georgia? Or Alabama @ LSU? I am going to try to watch both...but the wife has some "Honey-Dos" in the making for the day. But, I did carve out some time and cleared it with the boss, to make sure I watch the LSU game.
Gonna be watching both games as the winners will likely meet in Georgia for the SEC Championship game in December.

I’m also going on the record now with my prediction that whomever loses the Georgia / Tennessee game will start making noise to do away with the conference divisions.
Gonna be watching both games as the winners will likely meet in Georgia for the SEC Championship game in December.

I’m also going on the record now with my prediction that whomever loses the Georgia / Tennessee game will start making noise to do away with the conference divisions.
I wasn’t aware that anyone in the Cadre watched anything but the Big 10 and the Military Academies play 😂