The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Bourbon Country Shave Journal - Dave in KY

You do have some interesting soaps, Dave. Of course, I don't need any more soaps.
Well look at Mr KY getting all artsy with his pic. I like it!
Actually took the pic last night before hitting the hay early so I'd be all set for my shave. It was in honor of Celestino away on the India trip. He brings class to us hoolagins
Great SOTD pic! I’d say have a great day at work, but you’re probably done already! So a simple “have a great day” instead!
Feb 27th
Razor: Colonial General SS
Blade: Schick Proline P-30 (1)
Brush: Stirling 24mm Badger
Soap: Storybook Soapworks Hallward’s Dream
Aftershave 1: Humphrey’s Alcoholado Maravilla
Aftershave 2: Storybook Soapworks Hallward’s Dream

Last of the Storybook soaps in my rotation and another great scent with typical performance. Here’s what they say about the scent: Hallward’s Dream is built upon a base of sandalwood and musk with a bright and bitter bergamot flair. The citrusy top is complemented with a touch of basil and oakmoss to bring out the greener notes of the opening accord, while hints of violet and talc round out the scent and soften the blend. This luxurious fragrance is reminiscent of a slow afternoon at an Italian barbershop, with a darker base that cuts through the bright bergamot core.

I get a nicely balanced subdued citrus scent. 1st outing with the SS General and got a nice comfortable shave. I will get better at using it as I get accustomed to the wider AC style blades but already get a closer shave than I did with the Asylum Rx. Glad I made the decision to try something else. Not as sexy looking as the Rx but a better fit for me. This shows that no matter what anyone else raves about for themselves, it may not be the best fit for you. I actually already feel I can let go of the ATT SE1 as it’s head looks almost identical to the General but realize I should at least try it while it’s in my possession. Had a member contact me about a Charcoal Goods head that I’m hunting so hopefully when he sends pics and asking price, it’s not someone expecting a price like a final bid on an active ebay auction……………..
Thursday February 28, 2019
2019 Shave # 61 ( 116 Consecutive Shaves )
Razor: Game Changer .84
Blade: Gillette Silver Blue (1)
Brush: Stiring Synthetic
Soap: CBL Roasted Oatmeal Stout
Aftershave 1: Humphrey's Alcoholado Maravilla 70
Aftershave 2: Stetson

Day 2 of NO THE SHAVING CADRE FORUM and I’m………………….surviving. Mainly by journaling my shaves which I’ll add to my online journal ala Craig style when the site is back up. That said I have the Charcoal Goods Level 2 SB head set coming to me as a member elsewhere took pity on me and sold his serial #590 to me for what they sell on the site for IF it was available. I got the Game Changer in yesterday afternoon so decided to try that this morning. I had bought a .68 back when they were 1st available and at the same time had received my Timeless. I enjoyed the closeness of the shave from the Timeless and was disappointed in the GC .68 so sold it after the 1 shave while there was still a frenzy for others wanting one. Flash forward to the .84 being out there and Chad talking it up as on par with his Timeless…….WHAT !!!! I had to find out and ended up getting a set with the .68 and .84 plates. Started my shave with the .68 and got 1 cheek done before saying no way………………..TOO mild and inefficient for me. Switched to the .84 and proceeded to finish an OFF THE CHARTS shave. I chased a bit and got a tiny bit of irritation but an absolutely AWESOME SMOOTH and COMFORTABLE shave. I will see if this continues and ow my Charcoal Goods fits me. If everything falls into place the Timeless may go and provide funds for the vector which is still in my consideration. CBL soap is th next on the shelf that I am working thru and will be awhile as I have about 15 scents some of which used recently but still most to go thru as I rotate thru the soaps for the 1st time. Topped with Stetson and I’m ready for my long work day. Have a great day Cadre !!!
Somehow I missed Fridays entry while the site was down but here’s he pic
Saturday March 2, 2019
2019 Shave # 63 ( 118 Consecutive Shaves )
Razor: Rockwell 6s Plate #5
Blade: Pol Silver SI (1)
Brush: Razorock BC Silvertip Plissoft
Soap: CBL Russian Tea
Aftershave 1: Nivea 2 in 1 Aftershave
Fragrance: PdP # 63

Trying to work thru ALL of my sops in some order by shelf brought me to CBL again (As it will for awhile since I have 17 different scents) Russian Tea abd 1st use as I have other Russian Teas that were already lathered and usually went to them. WOW is this stuff good and has the typical ELITE soap performance CBL provides. I spent more time on prep which I will replicate when I can going forward. I have a Razorock Lime pre shave glycerin soap. I rubbed it on my wet face and lathered it on my face. Left it soak in while cleaning the brush and loading the CBL soap. Then wiped ace clean with a hot towel. Wet face and proceeded with the shave as I always do. GRAIL shave with the Rockwell 6s and a FRESH Pol Silver SI blade. Went with he Nivea that I don’t use enough as it is a great soother that I seldom need. Did NOT need today bt already selected to use since I don’t use it often. My face feels amazing and will spray some shots of the # 63 EdT before heading to a speaking (Signing) assignment at a Sign Language Congregation. A privilege for sure but I always feel so rusty when they invite me each time. Have a great day Cadre!!
No Entry for Sunday but here's the breakdown and pic
Sunday March 3, 2019
2019 Shave # 64 ( 119 Consecutive Shaves )
Razor: Charcoal Goods Level 2
Blade: Gillette Silver Blue (1)
Brush: Paladin 26 mm Honey Noir Beehive LE
Soap: Ballenclaugh Honey & Tobacco
Aftershave 1: Humphrey's Alcoholado Maravilla 70
Aftershave 2: Stetson
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Monday March 4, 2019
2019 Shave # 65 ( 120 Consecutive Shaves )
Razor: ATT SE1 with Timeless Plaid Handle
Blade: Unknown
Brush: Cadre Member Brush
Soap: CBL Club CBL
Aftershave 1: Humphrey's Alcoholado Maravilla 70
Aftershave 2: Pinaud Clubman

Another SOTD entry saved to post when the forum is back up. Nice 1st shave with the Charcoal Goods yesterday and did a video so not entry. Today Was with the ATT SE1 head on a Timeless Plaid Handle. I’ve about decided that AC style razors just aren’t for me. I can get a decent shave but the wider head just doesn’t appeal to me and is harder to work around my face the directions I go with that width. The end result is just no where near the quality of shave I get with a DE with less work and attention. DE’s are just a more natural and therefore enjoyable feel and shave for me. Still working my way thru the soap den and CBL soaps which is certainly a pleasure rather than any hardship. Whipped up with the Cadre Member brush. Anticipation of the Anniversary Brushes getting shipped is building along with the new platform for the forum coming soon………..Have a great day Cadre.
Tuesday March 5, 2019
2019 Shave # 66 ( 121 Consecutive Shaves )
Razor: Schick "G" Injector
Blade: Schick (1)
Brush: Stirling Synthetic
Soap: CBL Cigar Shop Indian
Aftershave 1: Humphrey's Alcoholado Maravilla 70
Aftershave 2: Avon Leather

Decided to try the Schick “G” Injector I had laying around to compare to the “I” Hydromagic I’ve used and like. Got a great and super close shave with no issues although I feel a little raw in spots. This one appears to be more aggressive than the “I”. I stood them up right next to each other and they appear identical in all respects except the gap looks slightly wider on the “I” believe it or not. Not sure the minor difference but the “G” is definitely more aggressive but still a nice smooth shaver. Just can’t go over and over in the same spot as I did today chasing for sure. Still enjoying going thru the CBL soaps and this is a definite keeper scent wise for me. Haven’t applied the aftershave yet but decided to pair with Avon Leather. Hope all in the Cadre are surviving the site down and having good shaves and a stupendous day !!