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The 2022 TSC Weight Loss Challenge!!

Intermittent Fasting

Yup, I am actually going to go down this road. I mean, we already do go a period of time without eating when we sleep (except for you sleep-walkers/eaters!), so why not extend it a little? My wife already eats breakfast late (sometimes around 11am) and lunch at around 2pm, so I figure I can adjust my food intake times to align with hers and offer her support for the "no snacking" period in the evening by sharing the journey (I usually eat a bunch of crackers with peanut butter at 9pm) rather than the "Do as I say, not as I do" approach.

I have already switched to black coffee as of yesterday, but she's not ready for that yet. It's not a biggie for me, as I take little sugar anyway and used to drink it this way before I met her.

In truth, I am not really taking on IF for my benefit (although it will not hurt me), but more as support for her. We will see how it works.
I’m tooooootally confused. You’re trying to put on weight and starting a diet?
Intermittent Fasting

Yup, I am actually going to go down this road. I mean, we already do go a period of time without eating when we sleep (except for you sleep-walkers/eaters!), so why not extend it a little? My wife already eats breakfast late (sometimes around 11am) and lunch at around 2pm, so I figure I can adjust my food intake times to align with hers and offer her support for the "no snacking" period in the evening by sharing the journey (I usually eat a bunch of crackers with peanut butter at 9pm) rather than the "Do as I say, not as I do" approach.

I have already switched to black coffee as of yesterday, but she's not ready for that yet. It's not a biggie for me, as I take little sugar anyway and used to drink it this way before I met her.

In truth, I am not really taking on IF for my benefit (although it will not hurt me), but more as support for her. We will see how it works.
Because I get up early and go to the office where I am generally busy all day, I typically don’t eat breakfast or lunch unless I specifically pack something. I used to keep it to several coffee (with whatever I would add to it) in the morning, then that changed to cappuccino’s made with whole milk (maybe 1/2 to 3/4c) Now, I have a 16oz cappuccino made with the same 1/2-3/4c milk but the milk is a blend of whole cream and fairlife ultra filtered whole milk. Not only is the cappuccino very rich, it drinks and sits like a meal so I don’t feel like I’m starving on the drive home. The total calories for the cappuccino are no more than 200/mug (I think my nutritionist pegged it at between 150 and 180) so if I want to have another mug later in the day I can. A sprinkle of cinnamon on top makes it pretty sweet.

I have seen/read in multiple places now that the old “breakfast is the most important meal of the day” line is simply not true in any way, it was a marketing gimmick created by Post or Kellogg (or maybe both I forget). I’ve also seen/read stuff that discredits the notion that eating a good breakfast ‘kickstarts’ your metabolism making you burn more calories through the day…although I’ve seen nothing about who gets the credit for this idea. Like anything in life, I’m sure both of these statements hold true for someone(s) or apply in some circumstances but they aren’t flat out biological facts.

Like you, peanut butter at night is/was a weakness of mine. Since my focus right now is to remove as much sugar (specifically, the added sugars) from what I eat, I changed from Skippy to one of the no sugar added brands. It’s amazing how that switch made peanut butter more filling, where I used to sit and eat several large spoonfuls I am now happy with half the amount. I have also brought in some Almond butter, same thing, a spoonful here or there and I’m happy. Funny thing is, after maybe 6 weeks of not eating skippy I went and had a spoonful of it and it was disgusting. That jar of skippy sitting on our shelf no longer interests me.
I’m tooooootally confused. You’re trying to put on weight and starting a diet?
Encouraging and supporting that special someone is of MUCH more importance than my feeble attempts to put on (unneeded?) healthy weight.
As Don (I think :unsure: ) has mentioned a few times, 155 lb (give or take) seems to be my equilibrium weight that my body keeps returning to.
I'm a big peanut butter fan also and I switched to a more natural peanut butter (no sugar or hydrogenated oils) a few years ago and now I have a hard time eating any peanut butter with hydrogenated oils, I just don't like the taste or smell of those anymore.
I'm a big peanut butter fan also and I switched to a more natural peanut butter (no sugar or hydrogenated oils) a few years ago and now I have a hard time eating any peanut butter with hydrogenated oils, I just don't like the taste or smell of those anymore.
What’s interesting is looking at the carbs and calories of the “natural” stuff as opposed to the regular version.
...and a pro tip, if you get PB that needs mixed/stirred --- mix it well and then keep it in the fridge and it won't separate back out.

Yes, it will make it slightly harder to spread, but you get used to it quickly.
3rd day of Intermittent Fasting is almost in the books. My wife surprised me by asking for a black coffee for her 2nd cup of the day. We're only eating between 11am and 7pm and she's doing really well so far. Nary an evening snack has been consumed by her since we started and she says she is not feeling hungry. Excellent stuff! ... as for me, well, I'm always hungry👹, especially after eating all the time for almost 2 years.