You'll be fine in a couple of days. You're not as spry as you once were, but they don't make milk crates like you anymore. Definitely see a doctor if things don't get better by the weekend.
And nice shave!

You'll be fine in a couple of days. You're not as spry as you once were, but they don't make milk crates like you anymore. Definitely see a doctor if things don't get better by the weekend.
And nice shave!
Sorry about that Tim, hope you feel better soon!
Dang it Tim! Sorry your Olympic dreams went up in smoke.
View attachment 37182
Hope you have a speedy recovery!
I still have a couple of the old steel ones, I'll never get rid of those!You'll be fine in a couple of days. You're not as spry as you once were, but they don't make milk crates like you anymore. Definitely see a doctor if things don't get better by the weekend.
And nice shave!
Yikes!! I hope you’re back at it in no time. Knee trouble is the worst!
Continued Prayers Tim for you and your family, got the razor today, will keep you posted
Nice shave Tim
Been off my game for a couple of weeks now.Thanks Pat. I was off my game this morning, DFS today.
Uh oh. Tim is well aware of what happens with a lame horse....
Cadre Friday! Woohoo!