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Corona Virus

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I do wish more people would wear masks when in public places where social distancing makes it difficult.
i agree Don i wish more people would use mask.. Like i previously said in china they have the slogan " I wear my mask to protect you and you wear your mask to protect me.". A lot of local stores are doing what i wish more places would do, you know the old slogan "no shirts no shoes no service" well some have done what i said i thought they would do and now it says " no shirts no shoes no mask no service." I personally think that will be the new norm for a while..or at least i hope it is until this gets under control. I read that somewhere was fining people for not wearing mask. Also i know that some will not like what i said and i'm sorry for that but I think others should think of others and do their part to help control this thing.
We’ve only managed to eradicate a single virus through our own efforts, smallpox. What it took to get there was a Herculean effort by every government in the world coordinated by WHO. Measles is coming back in the US and industrialized countries because of anti vaccine efforts. It never went away in places where vaccine use is not as common.

Covid-19 isn’t going away as a virus. Even when we have effective treatments and vaccines, it will always be there. Just like polio and measles and mumps and meningitis....(insert infectious disease here). We will get through this and how much life changes will depend on how well we do the cure thing. In the meantime, keep the faith.

As hard as it is right now (and there are some days I wake up in despair), it’s going to get better.
Louisiana Gov announced yesterday that our state will begin Phase II on Friday. Except for New Orleans. They will remain in Phase I for a little while longer. Basically all the businesses that were operating at 25% can move to 50%. Those businesses that were closed during Phase I can now operate at 25%. That includes massage places and tattoo shops. Summer camps can operate at a higher capacity as well. There are some other things...but that is the gist of it.

Yesterday the updated the "presumed recovered" statistic and it seems that it is right at 78.5%. Additionally there were only four reported deaths yesterday...the lowest count since they began tracking deaths. And while I am sure the families of those who died won't take solace in that information (my heart goes out to them), it is very positive! A month earlier on May 1st, there were 65 deaths. To see this number go down to low single digits is very encouraging!
Well, relative to what we had a month ago, our hospital's numbers are small, but they are triple what they were on Friday. Again, I'm fine with opening things up because people need to have lives, but I should would like super strict enforcement of mask everywhere.
I agree Dave. I really do not understand all the anger towards the masks. We went to mass for the first time on Sunday since this all started. If my 6 year old and 3 year old can keep their mask on then anyone can. And I don't buy the whole asthma claim either. My son has asthma we carry a rescue inhaler and an epipen. When he has had to wear the mask he has had ZERO issues.
Well, relative to what we had a month ago, our hospital's numbers are small, but they are triple what they were on Friday. Again, I'm fine with opening things up because people need to have lives, but I should would like super strict enforcement of mask everywhere.
I agree Dave. I really do not understand all the anger towards the masks. We went to mass for the first time on Sunday since this all started. If my 6 year old and 3 year old can keep their mask on then anyone can. And I don't buy the whole asthma claim either. My son has asthma we carry a rescue inhaler and an epipen. When he has had to wear the mask he has had ZERO issues.
Everything definitely needs to be done in a calculated way. There are always going to be those who want to buck the system for whatever reason. You can't help it. I just don't see a strict lock down being the answer for this. But people do need to be smart. I am curious to to see what the numbers in Louisiana are like at the end of June. But I do still feel confident that things are stabilizing a bit.

And yeah...I don't see the issue with masks either. But seems that I am in the minority where I live on that issue.
I agree Dave. I really do not understand all the anger towards the masks. We went to mass for the first time on Sunday since this all started. If my 6 year old and 3 year old can keep their mask on then anyone can. And I don't buy the whole asthma claim either. My son has asthma we carry a rescue inhaler and an epipen. When he has had to wear the mask he has had ZERO issues.
Chad I would point out a few things. As an Asthmatic and a a pre-me when I was born 2.5 months early, I suffer from low pulse oxidation as it stands, usually 87-92, add adult onset asthma ( which is finally going away due to me increasing capacity byt losing weight and riding ) to that and there is a REAL issue with the mask, the rescue inhaler argument is not good either, as those all ,yes create a dilation in the in the lungs creating more air storage, however, many also cause blood pressure spike as well as increased Heart rates. With a lower amount of Lung development as a pre-me we are more susceptible to repiratory issues, not to mention that I have had pneumonia. The problem is most mask do not allow for the free flow of fresh oxygen or filtration which will cause a build up in CO2 which can cause a whole host of other issues including headaches, confusion, heart rate increase arrhythmia, as the oxygenation of the blood is not happening.

Are masks good for some, YES. Are they bad for other YES Masks should be worn for a limited time 5-15 minutes max IMHO and according to my Pulmonary Dr. I should not even wear one as it opens me up for actually more infection. I do wear one at the store for a quick run in, and at the shop if my client requests, but have to take breaks every 5-10 mins. If I wore one for 8 hours in the shop. Corona would be the least of my problems. Like anything Else regarding this, different procedures and variables are needed. there is not one Golden Procedure. IMHO this virus is here for good and we need to adapt accordingly, however not make a whole other health issue. Just my opinion
Chad I would point out a few things. As an Asthmatic and a a pre-me when I was born 2.5 months early, I suffer from low pulse oxidation as it stands, usually 87-92, add adult onset asthma ( which is finally going away due to me increasing capacity byt losing weight and riding ) to that and there is a REAL issue with the mask, the rescue inhaler argument is not good either, as those all ,yes create a dilation in the in the lungs creating more air storage, however, many also cause blood pressure spike as well as increased Heart rates. With a lower amount of Lung development as a pre-me we are more susceptible to repiratory issues, not to mention that I have had pneumonia. The problem is most mask do not allow for the free flow of fresh oxygen or filtration which will cause a build up in CO2 which can cause a whole host of other issues including headaches, confusion, heart rate increase arrhythmia, as the oxygenation of the blood is not happening.

Are masks good for some, YES. Are they bad for other YES Masks should be worn for a limited time 5-15 minutes max IMHO and according to my Pulmonary Dr. I should not even wear one as it opens me up for actually more infection. I do wear one at the store for a quick run in, and at the shop if my client requests, but have to take breaks every 5-10 mins. If I wore one for 8 hours in the shop. Corona would be the least of my problems. Like anything Else regarding this, different procedures and variables are needed. there is not one Golden Procedure. IMHO this virus is here for good and we need to adapt accordingly, however not make a whole other health issue. Just my opinion
Health conditions fine and dandy. It's akin to immuno-compromised people who can't get vaccines and rely on everyone else being vaccinated.
The anti mask contingent of "But muh freedom" can get stuffed though.
Health conditions fine and dandy. It's akin to immuno-compromised people who can't get vaccines and rely on everyone else being vaccinated.
The anti mask contingent of "But muh freedom" can get stuffed though.
I agree fully with you that the Medical Reason vs "Murica" is a line that gets blurred for sure.
We had our worst week last week. In # of cases and positive %

Did you guys "open up"? Or is there some other reason to account for the up tick? Looking at Jaro1069 graphs it seems it's spiking there as well. It just seems to me that although everyone seems to be at odds over things, I would say that is not entirely correct. In other words, I don't think anyone would disagree that we need to be able to have a vibrant economy with which to maintain our high standards of living. But it seems that is where th agreement seems to end. I contend that there is deep disagreement as to how to go about reving that economic engine while still maintaining people's safety. Why does it seem to me that those who are most aggressively insisting that the economy be "re-opened" are the same people who refuse to wear masks. I don't believe there is any dispute among healthcare professionals that wearing a mask is essential to helping to protect both the person wearing the mask as well as those around them. And just how much of a hardship is it wear a freaking mask? Especially if wearing a mask allows you and your fellow citizens to "re-open" your economy. Yet, it seems the statistics may be bearing out the fears of those who support wearing masks. And as the number of cases increase and the number of hospitalizations increase and the number of deaths increase, it is almost a certainty that will lead to shutting down the economy again. So it seems, refusing to wear a mask runs counter to the goal of seeing an open economy. So, why refuse to wear a mask? It just doesn't make sense.
Did you guys "open up"? Or is there some other reason to account for the up tick? Looking at Jaro1069 graphs it seems it's spiking there as well. It just seems to me that although everyone seems to be at odds over things, I would say that is not entirely correct. In other words, I don't think anyone would disagree that we need to be able to have a vibrant economy with which to maintain our high standards of living. But it seems that is where th agreement seems to end. I contend that there is deep disagreement as to how to go about reving that economic engine while still maintaining people's safety. Why does it seem to me that those who are most aggressively insisting that the economy be "re-opened" are the same people who refuse to wear masks. I don't believe there is any dispute among healthcare professionals that wearing a mask is essential to helping to protect both the person wearing the mask as well as those around them. And just how much of a hardship is it wear a freaking mask? Especially if wearing a mask allows you and your fellow citizens to "re-open" your economy. Yet, it seems the statistics may be bearing out the fears of those who support wearing masks. And as the number of cases increase and the number of hospitalizations increase and the number of deaths increase, it is almost a certainty that will lead to shutting down the economy again. So it seems, refusing to wear a mask runs counter to the goal of seeing an open economy. So, why refuse to wear a mask? It just doesn't make sense.

I agree How hard is it to put on a MASK... I mean we Are gonna see the numbers go up as we reopen, China closed from the middle of January until April or May and then they had a very aggressive set of standards that had to be met to re open which here in the USA would be considered civil rights violations and they STILL saw a increase in their numbers so how could we in the US think we wouldn't see it go up after only a 7 week closure...People need to wear a mask if not for themselves then to protect Others !!!!!!!!!!! I mean i care about others,,,, BUT these people that don't want to wear a mask i could care less if they get sick other than the fact i don't want them spreading it to others... Maybe if they get it( a mild recoverable version) maybe that will be enough to get them to wear a mask!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want to be able to leave my house and have life be back to normal as much as anyone else BUT I Know that's not possible and WONT be for quite a while so I wear a mask to protect everyone else and i just wish they would all wear one to protect me too...........Numbers will keep going up, there's no way for them not to while this thing is still out there.......okay enough soap box stomping...
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I agree How hard is it to put on a MASK... I mean we Are gonna see the numbers go up as we reopen, China closed from the middle of January until April or May and then they had a very aggressive set of standards that had to be met to re open which here in the USA would be considered civil rights violations and they STILL saw a increase in their numbers so how could we in the US think we wouldn't see it go up after only a 7 week closure...People need to wear a mask if not for themselves then to protect Others !!!!!!!!!!! I mean i care about others,,,, BUT these people that don't want to wear a mask i could care less if they get sick other than the fact i don't want them spreading it to others... Maybe if they get it( a mild recoverable version) maybe that will be enough to get them to wear a mask!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want to be able to leave my house and have life be back to normal as much as anyone else BUT I Know that's not possible and WONT be for quite a while so I wear a mask to protect everyone else and i just wish they would all wear one to protect me too...........Numbers will keep going up, there's no way for them not to while this thing is still out there.......okay enough soap box stomping...
Okay I didn't realize that I had included one of the words that was removed and the other I tried to make non offensive. Sorry if I offended anyone... I will choose my words more carefully from now on when I post to this site.
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I don't believe there is any dispute among healthcare professionals that wearing a mask is essential to helping to protect both the person wearing the mask as well as those around them. And just how much of a hardship is it wear a freaking mask? Especially if wearing a mask allows you and your fellow citizens to "re-open" your economy.
I am definitely with you on this. I think wearing a mask is a good compromise for everyone. It's not difficult...really. If I can do it in hot and humidity of Louisiana...just about anyone can. With the exception of those who medically can't or are advised by a medical professional that they shouldn't...the rest are just selfish in my opinion. But what do I know.

China closed from the middle of January until April or May and then they had a very aggressive set of standards that had to be met to re open which here in the USA
Honestly...I wouldn't put a lot of stick into what China said they did.
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