The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Words of wisd..... Yeah right.... We all know better than that!

I think a lot of men can directly relate to your relationship difficulties. Staying in a situation where you aren’t getting what you need is not healthy for you. Good for you to find someone who shares your interests.
Thanks for the update...but no explanation or apologies are necessary.

Sounds like things are for the better right now. As long as your happy that is all that matters. Glad to see you back on and looking forward to seeing what the Forge can put out!

I got that Lansky knife sharpening set you talked about. Now I am having a hard time finding my knives! 🤪 The knife I got from you though is still stupid sharp!
What Lansky set is that?
Well..... another reason I won't do videos. As I'm standing at the sink tonight shaving with a DE razor, my girlfriend is in the background shaving her legs with a straight razor.... I really don't need video evidence of that ding in the man card...
Well..... another reason I won't do videos. As I'm standing at the sink tonight shaving with a DE razor, my girlfriend is in the background shaving her legs with a straight razor.... I really don't need video evidence of that ding in the man card...
Dude...we all aspire to have our significant other shave using a straight!
So after another long absence from my journal, I am back with another major update.
The 31st of this month Chrissy and I are getting married!

Just a small ceremony, only the official and required witnesses. We decided that we are doing this for us, we didn't want all the hassle and worry of keeping everyone else happy and just wanted our day.

We are going to try and get some pictures, so I will post something when we get them.
We told the rest of the families, so I had to let my family here know.
Congrats Shawn! Great to see you pop in and with a positive report no less!

Your kitchen knife Rudolph gift from many moons ago still sees regular use, with its original edge, and I think of you when it sees use. Good to see ya!