The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

What ya eatin?

What is this? I feel the curtain has been pulled back and what we see leaves us wanting! Chad. CHAD! A self-proclaimed peanut butter lover. Is using store-brand peanut butter?? I am...shocked. I am dismayed. And sad, yes sad as well at this revelation. And do not even get me started on the fact that it's smooth like baby food!!!
The Kroger honey PB is AWESOME! Try and report back. My normal peanut butter is Jif chunky. Or the PB machine at the grocery store that grinds it fresh for you. But the Honey PB is a nice treat.
Whole Foods, Sprouts, Get a Food processor and do it yourself
Real Easy
1. Get peanuts PLanters dry Roasted are the best.. add a few spanish peanuts as well
2. Use Oil and drip lightly as the processor grinds the peanuts unitl you have the conistency you want'
3. add a small amount of sugar and or Stevia
4 process unitil smooth

either leave that way, or add some chopped, or whole peanuts to make chunky
Real Easy
1. Get peanuts PLanters dry Roasted are the best.. add a few spanish peanuts as well
2. Use Oil and drip lightly as the processor grinds the peanuts unitl you have the conistency you want'
3. add a small amount of sugar and or Stevia
4 process unitil smooth

either leave that way, or add some chopped, or whole peanuts to make chunky
Darn it....why is everything much easier than I imagine?
Darn it....why is everything much easier than I imagine?
Well, I've had the stuff from the machines in the store. It's just pulverized peanuts and doesn't taste anywhere good as Jiff or Skippy. It tastes kinda, healthy. 😞
hmm pink is a favorite flavor of mine, but I guarantee it is for a completely different reason:oops::ROFLMAO:
Yes....her name is Pink and I like the flavor of something that is pink in color....also I'd like to taste Pink's pink. See.....the way really good humor works is if its multi-faceted and its not explained. You just violated the comedy rule of trying to joke the joke......and failed.