I had an original from the first release back in 2014 that I ran through in like 4 months. Had that wonderful slight cacao, leather and coffee vibe going for it with an aromatic & light citrus freshness in the very opening. The cedar at the end really smoothens and tempers the sweetness from the hazelnut. Not as rich or deep as the Intense version but, more lively and much easier to wear nearly all year round. Today's version (no longer owned by Puig) from parent company L' Oreal is not as charming nor potent as far as my scent memory dictates. That's neither here nor there as ultimately the juice still smells quite good with decent performance in the 5-6 hour range and a bit more if I go heavy on the sprayer. I can still pick up light trailing whiffs of it 8-10 hours in but, it's mostly from it lingering on the cloths. It's a great work scent that transitions nicely into after work and evenings out at a nice eatery. Solid frag.