Not a resounding endorsement as I don't ANY are undrinkable to you@Dave in KY i opened it Daddy. Not as good as Tin Cup or Larceny but not undrinkable either.
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Yeah, I looked online you can order it but not cheap. Thanks for the tipsTin Cup is almost as good as Larceny to me but loses a little on the smoothness side. This one has great flavor but lacks a lot of the smoothness either of the others have. If you can get some Copper Fox Single malt rye there then I highly recommend it. I only got it from the Williamsburg trip as their distillery is there. I bought 2 bottles even though they were about 15$ Each more than my normal range of what am willing to spend.
Fixed it for you!Long and hard week but I'm home and a shower with Stirling Dreamsickle, and a lot of Jim Beam Black because I'm off tomorrow.............ahhhhhhh