The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

What are you anxiously waiting to be delivered ???

OK, In my defense - these are Christmas gifts (Aidan officially needs a new brush - his Vikings Blade Faux Ivory is a little rough now)

Left: AKA Brushworx Bubblelicious G5C 24mm Synthetic
Right: AKA Brushworx Cotton Candy G5C 28mm Synthetic

This one got it on Tuesday and guess what, honed it today and was my 1st razor ever honed by myself.

SOTD 11-24-2022.

Razor: Wade & Butcher "Diamond Edge" 6/8 near wedge

Brush: Razorock Big Bruce Synthetic

Soap: B&M Dickens,

AS: Pinaud Clubman

Balm: Nivea Sensitive

Alum + Dr. Teal's WH one


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Stirling Soap Black Friday Sale in effect- full steam ahead!

Mediterranean Man Soap, AS, EdT (Homage to Creed Erolfa)
Candy Cane Body Lotion - stocking stuffer
Clemetine Shave Soap & Bar Soap
Lip Balms - the perfect stocking stuffer (Sangria, Sugared Strawberry, Margarita, Lemonade, Green Tea, Grape, Grand Mariner & Apricot, Cotton Candy, Chocolate Bar, Chai)
Bonafide Soap & AS (Homage to Prada L’Homme)
West Indies Lime Soap & AS

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