Grooming Department has landed! Chypre Conifere smells nice, the Magnolia Oud I'm on the fence about. Performance better go a long way with the Magnolia Oud, or it might end up being PIF'd or on the BST.
Also, finally was able to get a full bottle of Amouage's Sunshine Man...AWESOME JUICE and STINK! Lucked out on one of the discounters online and got it for about 40% retail price. It's the one bottled in Oman, so it's the good formulation (the one bottled in England is inferior). Beautiful packaging and bottle...already know the juice is top notch.

Also, finally was able to get a full bottle of Amouage's Sunshine Man...AWESOME JUICE and STINK! Lucked out on one of the discounters online and got it for about 40% retail price. It's the one bottled in Oman, so it's the good formulation (the one bottled in England is inferior). Beautiful packaging and bottle...already know the juice is top notch.