Just what I need ... More soap!
Chris has sale on some of his stuff and, being the super cheap/miserly/thrifty/frugal guy that I am, I decided to help him reduce his stock by ordering some Premium soap scents of his that I do not already have.
I requested that he baggie the soaps rather than ship them in containers for a few reasons:
- I have too many soap containers already
- helps reduce plastic wastage (I'm not an enviro-warrior, but reduce/reuse/recycle whenever possible makes sense)
- reduces shipping weight (save some postage, especially since I am international)
- baggies can squish-fit into my soap briefcase; no room for more containers
It's a win-win in oh so many ways. He sells stuff, I get soaps on discount ... what's not to love?
They ain't pretty in this format, but they store easy and I'll be moving them into containers (or bowls/mugs/sticks) when I go to use them as their 3017 turn comes up. He did give me what seems to be a very helpful hint on how to "redeploy" them. I was planning on simply scooping them out, then cutting open the baggie and butter-knife scraping the remainder into my container, but he suggested simply cutting the baggie's corner and squeezing/squeegeeing them out (a Credit card would work well, I think) the soap out that way. What a great idea!
The little white puck in the bottom-right is a little extra something he included, and his generosity is very much appreciated. (Thank you, Chris!)