The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Welcome to the Danger Zone!

We are? :unsure:
As you mention, alcohol was used to rub on gums back when I was growing up. It was a simple home remedy for teething pain, but we applied it with our finger rather than a Q-tip.
yes WE ARE !! We don't want Don accidentally getting danger baby drunk !! 🤣 !! But A BIG glass for DON and a little rub on her gums with either a finger or q-tip would work !! a whirlwind update since getting on my journal is proving difficult lately...

The baby is cutting teeth...okay, right now it is one tooth...but man she is doing some fussing and crying. Amelie isn't a baby who cries a lot, so when she does...I know she is not feeling well. It really just breaks my heart right now.

Got some new specs. I'll try to get a good pic later and post it somewhere. But funny story about them. So I have wanted some clear framed glasses because that is what all the middle aged hip dudes are wearing these days. Decided they were just meh. Found a pair of glasses that have a blue heugh to them and love them. Brand is Danny Gokey. I have no idea who Danny Gokey is...figured that he/she was a designer. Finally looked it up...and he is a season six American Idol contestant. I detest American Idol. Oh the glasses anyway.

Got a hair cut the other day...Barber (who is female) said she thought I was 36 years old. I almost kissed her right there.

Got some new blades for the mower as well as a battery and stuff for an oil change.

Work is a bear right now. But the boss is being worlds are colliding.

Not sure if anyone has been following what has been going on at LSU with the sexual harassment/Les Miles/settlement/Title IX stuff. It's a mess. Anyway...LSU gutted their Title IX section (or their non-existent Title IX section) and are hiring new Title IX Investigators. Other than subject is exactly what I am doing now. I'm thinking of applying.

Finished up some of Chris' no name soap that I have been testing...some of the best soap I have tried yet. Not just of his...but ever. He said it's going on the site at sometime. Not sure when...but if it does...scoop it up. You won't be disappointed.

Moved on to Lisa's Somali Rose. I was able to get a tub of the stuff before she ran out. She said it won't be available anymore. This stuff is amazing in scent and quality.

I think there is a lot more that has gone on here...but I am drawing a blank. Until next time...I hope the Cadre has a wonderful weekend!
Oh crap. :(

Our little guy had his two bottom teeth come through a little before Christmas, but the last week has been rough as the top two are pushing through. He's a very easygoing guy most of the time so I know the pain of really knowing he's not comfortable.

We make small thin ice cubes in trays and let him naw on those which seems to make him happy for a bit. Tylenol has been a godsend too, especially at night.
Choking hazard! :(
They have "teething rings" you put in the freezer. Safe for them preventing chocking hazard. My $.02
Just keep a watch on the freezer teething rings and make sure they dont bust !! We had one do that once..try to find the ones that just contain water or saline water because some don't..
Just keep a watch on the freezer teething rings and make sure they dont bust !! We had one do that once..try to find the ones that just contain water or saline water because some don't..
Burst, or rupture would be more appropriate. ;)

In the past few years I have heard "bust" used on the news, when referring to breaking things, a sure sign that schools need to return to teaching proper English. Teachers would have quickly pounced in elementary school back in the '60's.
Burst, or rupture would be more appropriate. ;)

In the past few years I have heard "bust" used on the news, when referring to breaking things, a sure sign that schools need to return to teaching proper English. Teachers would have quickly pounced in elementary school back in the '60's.
giphy (1).gif 🤪 🤣
Don, I say go for the job.

We used the freezer rings and the teething tablets. The tablets made my wife worry because they had belladonna in them. Still used them, but made sure not to stray from the dosage instructions.
Okay, it's been well over a month since I last posted here. I would love to get back to schedule where I have more time in the morning to post my morning shave and whatnot...but Danger Baby has proven to be worthy adversary! While we are on the topic of Danger Baby...

My wife has dubbed Amelie as Jurassic Baby, because we are now certain that my wife didn't birth a human baby, but something that is part Tetradactyl!!! She has been unleashing these screeches that surly originate from that period of the dinosaurs! That or she is channeling some sort of beast from yore. Either way...It ain't human... 😛 . In all seriousness, Amelie will be seven month old in about a week and a half here and I can't believe were the time has gone. She is so much fun right now and it is a wonder to see her develop ne skills each and every day. I am also convinced that this baby will walk before she crawls...she just wants to go!

Don't mind Dad's hair and overall messiness...and she doesn't mind spending time in the Tactical Baby Carrier...


Okay...on with the boring stuff!

I have acquired a few new soaps since last time.

I got a tub of A&E Forbidden Fruit from @Graybeard57. At first I thought it smelled of pear, but now I just think it smells like general fruit. It smells good and is not all that offensive, so it's a great option for me right now with the baby. It is a really good performer as well. Definitely one of the better soaps out there.

I traded a soap and aftershave set with @gobucks5485 and got a set of A&E Frozen Mojitos. I used this set for the first time this morning. I have to say that I find a lot of the "adult beverage" scented soaps often not smelling what there are supposed to smell like. And often very sweet! This one really hits the mark as smelling like a mojito but on the more savory side of things and doesn't make me smell like a rum scented snow cone. Performance is as you would expect...fantastic.

Not sure if I mentioned it or not last time...but since Lisa @LNHC said that she wasn't able to source the oils any longer to make her Somali Rose soap...I picked up one of her last ones. This is an absolute favorite of mine. Great scent that is manly and sophisticated at the same time! And just last week (I think) I picked up a tub of Lisa's Irish Green Tweed. This is an amazing soap with an amazing scent. I cannot say enough good things about Lisa's latest formulation of soaps...Top Notch Indeed! Anyway, I have been pairing both the Somali Rose and the Irish Green Tweed with a bottle of WSP Gaelic Tweed I also got from Bruce in the same PIF. The Gaelic Tweed is definitely an aftershave I can "GLUG."

Other than the Gaelic Tweed...I have pretty much been using an unscented version of Chris' @CBLindsay aftershave tonic. I have used about two thirds of the bottle and I am definitely getting more when I run out.

Other than that...same old razors and brushes.

Well, I here Jurassic Baby Roaring for her morning meal. Gotta go for now!
From what I recall of the sonic assaults perpetrated by my nieces and nephews when they were that age, I think many babies might be part dinosaur lol. Love the Tactical Baby Carrier pic. She looks like she’s ready to jump out of a plane and use you as a parachute.
From what I recall of the sonic assaults perpetrated by my nieces and nephews when they were that age, I think many babies might be part dinosaur lol. Love the Tactical Baby Carrier pic. She looks like she’s ready to jump out of a plane and use you as a parachute.
That is super funny! You know, they make all this baby gear...diaper bags, carriers, etc...and it is all very feminine. Most guys don't want to carry around a diaper bag slung over a shoulder that looks like a Coach Purse or whatnot! I know it was a splurge, but the wife and I got our own set of baby gear. Mine came from a company called Tactical Baby Gear. Military and Tactical Style Diaper Bags for dad | Tactical Baby Gear And man this stuff is awesome. Totally plan on reusing the diaper bag once that stage of our life is done. The stuff is very well constructed!

That’s one super happy looking kiddo! Great update Don!
She really is...she rarely fusses and when she does it's for a reason.
She is so much fun right now and it is a wonder to see her develop ne skills each and every day.
Treasure these moments, Don. Children have a way of teaching us much more than we can ever teach them. Parents' lives grow so much during childrearing.

I picked up a tub of Lisa's Irish Green Tweed. This is an amazing soap with an amazing scent. I
I love that soap. Goes very well with the Gaelic Tweed splash.