The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Welcome to the Danger Zone!

Good stuff, Don. Never give up your dairy! I've never had King Cake. I know there are plenty of people that make it here in Houston, but if I were to ever try it, I'd have to try a Louisianan King Cake.
Good stuff, Don. Never give up your dairy! I've never had King Cake. I know there are plenty of people that make it here in Houston, but if I were to ever try it, I'd have to try a Louisianan King Cake.
I'm pretty sure the cakes in Houston are pretty good too! You should treat yourself one day.
Would it be silly of me to advocate for just simple well-rounded nutrition?
Yes...yes that would be silly! 🤪

Not sure your stand on diet and nutrition, but I am sure I can guess. The problem I have is what exactly does well rounded nutrition even mean? We were taught for so long that eggs were the worse thing for us. Now we we are told that eggs are great for us! Red meat is supposed to be bad...but my bio-markers are so much better when I get more meat in my diet. I don't skip veggies. I think veggies are really important. Don't worry...i'm not going completely back to my thinking when I first started this thread. I have learned so much since then. I think what a person eats isn't as simple as telling everyone to abide by the food pyramid and the food plate or what ever the FDA or USDA or name your organization is using now. There has been some good science out there on nutrition that supports metabolic flexibility. But I am sorry...if you look at the rampant epidemic of obesity, type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer's or any other chronic disease and then tell me what we have been doing for the past 30 years or so is working...I'm not sure I will agree with you. Yes...if you are a person who is healthy, have no issues at all, then I recommend a well balanced diet. A third of each macro nutrient in calories daily and regular exercise, meditation and sleep. And all will be likely well. But what if that 1/3 of carbs comes all from sugar or refined white wheat? I'm not sure that is healthy. Most of last year I took the approach of eating a relatively whole food diet, eliminated sugar as much as I could, ate bread sparingly, and replaced vegetable oil, soybean oil, canola oil, etc, with Olive Oil, Avocado Oil, and Coconut Oil. And I felt great..and my bio markers were excellent. Last time I went to the doc (October) my insulin levels were much higher than they had been. Fasting Glucose too high, and my hba1c was higher than it had to be also. My waist line has grown, and I am about 25 pounds heavier than i was six months ago. It's time to pull out the old tool box and use the ketogenic diet as a tool. Two to three months on it. Lose the weight that I need to lose and then switch over to a whole food approach. It works for me. It might not work for others...but it works for me. I never again want to be a gut that has a chronic issue and wait for my doc to give me a pill to "fix" the situation. That is only treating the symptom. Sometimes pills are necessary to get you to where you need to be by I never want to be on them the rest of my life unless it is absolutely necessary. I want to work to get myself off them...if possible.

Anyway...nutrition is not a one size fits all. Everyone is different. One person may be better off eating primarily vegetables. Others maybe more animal products. Some a healthy mix of both. Find what is optimal for you...and go with it!

Okay...sorry @NurseDave ...I am off my soap box now. Love you man!:)
if you look at the rampant epidemic of obesity, type 2 diabetes
Only comment I'll make is because a HUGE percentage of folks don't follow any type of guide so it's really not fair to say that guidelines that have been set don't work. It is fair to say that McDonald's has a great marketing division and their fries smell AWESOME.
Only comment I'll make is because a HUGE percentage of folks don't follow any type of guide so it's really not fair to say that guidelines that have been set don't work. It is fair to say that McDonald's has a great marketing division and their fries smell AWESOME.
Duly noted...but I think it also a lot more complicated than that.

But let's go back to what you said about eating a well rounded diet. This is where I get a little frustrated with people. For I am beginning a Ketogenic Diet again. My diet today so far consisted of Black Coffee for breakfast. For Lunch I had a spinach salad with raw broccoli a half a cup of shredded cheese and a homemade vinaigrette made with olive oil and apple cider vinegar (i added a little monk fruit sweetener to make it less bitey). Three hard boiled eggs and a about six ounces of pork loin. Tonight I will likely have steamed veggies (probably cauliflower or Brussels sprouts) with butter and a protein (likely chicken breast because my wife likes them). I probably need a little more fat in my diet tonight so I will figure something out about a tablespoon of coconut oil. This is will be my typical weekday meal plan. Interchanging veggies and proteins. All between 1800 and 2000 calories a day. On Sunday, I will have a sweet potato with my evening meal which may or may not kick me out of ketosis...depending on how much exercise I get for that day...but sweet potatoes are pretty darn good for you. Other Sundays I might have beets or parsnips, or some other starchy vegetables. This is a pretty well rounded diet in my opinion. I think it would be pretty hard to argue thatit's not. And the kicker is...I'll lose about 20-25 pounds in two or three months by doing this. And I will feel amazing! So much energy! No getting tired mid day. No more cravings that you can't control. You don't feel like you have to eat all the time!

Oh, and by the way @NurseDave , Red Wine is on the diet! 🤪
Razor: Merkur Progress
Blade: Voskhod (3rd Shave)
Soap/Cream: CBL Premium Soap - CBL Tonsorial - Balsamic Oud (6th Shave)
Brush: Stirling Synthetic
The Penultimate Aftershave: Humphrey's Lavender Witch Hazel
The Ultimate Aftershave: Ariana & Evans - Shave Serum No. 3

Quick one today gents, three pass shave with the CBL Tonsorial. Bloomed the soap again and and had fantastic results. I will comment on it later this week, but I think post shave feel is better than I gave this soap credit.

The Danger Zone!!!

Got up a little late this morning. The Danger Hound Alarm Clock got me up at 4 AM instead of 5 AM. So I went back to sleep and slept in a bit. No biggie...just not that much time to comment on TSC.

Hope the Cadre had a fantastic Monday and kicked the week off right! Here's to Tuesday being even better!
Razor: Merkur Progress
Blade: Voskhod (4th Shave)
Soap/Cream: CBL Premium Soap - CBL Tonsorial - Balsamic Oud (7th Shave)
Brush: Stirling 24 mm Fan in Finest Badger
The Ante Penultimate Aftershave: Humphrey's Lavender Witch Hazel
The Penultimate Aftershave: Ariana & Evans - Post-Shave Serum No. 3

The Ultimate Aftershave: Fine Accouterments - Platinum


Well...I have been up since 3:30 AM because...well I'm sick again...sort of. But more on that later. So since I was up...decided to get in a nice leisurely shave. Take my time and all. The finny this is...I think I was quicker today, not paying attention to time, than I usually am when I don't have as much time. Oh's a great shave anyway!

Blooming this soap every morning definitely has it's advantages. My brush loads turn out better and the lathering process is much better also. I know this version of doesn't have all the fancy butters and oils that are in his other soaps or what other artisans make, but my face is feeling pretty good. As far as face feel goes...I think I like @CBLindsay 's hemp soap formula better...but continuous use with soap definitely agrees with my face. I think I said it yesterday...but the Tonsorial version has a better post shave feel than I first gave it credit.

A regular old three pass shave using the standard directions of passes. No cleanup needed, but I nick the corner of my mouth somehow. Rinsed it off in cool water...a touch of the Styptic Pencil, which is looking mostly like a withered mummy finger bone at this point...and the bleeding has stopped. I decided to go with the A&E Post-Shave Serum No. 3 again this morning and will douse myself in Mr. Blonde (played by Michael Madsen) poured gas over Marvin Nash (played by Kirk Baltz) in Reservoir Dogs...before I go to work. Maybe I will taker the stairs the morning at way Jose! Just because I can't smell at the moment doesn't mean that other should miss out on the heavenly fragrance that emits from pores! Yeah...I'm taking the elevator. :sneaky:

The Danger Zone!!!

So I woke up yesterday morning with chest congestion and I sound like 73 year old woman named Phyllis who has been smoking for about 60 years. This is not good. I have one more report that is up against a deadline and I just can't take time off of work. So I went to the doc yesterday morning. I understood that what I had was likely viral and there isn't much that can be done. But I was hoping for a steroid shot or something that can get me to the weekend. Sure enough...upper respiratory tract viral infection. A shot in the ass...told me to use Mucinex DM and gave me a script for Tessalon Perles for the cough. I will happily take them. Might have been the shortest Doctor's visit ever for me. In and out in about 30 minutes.

About the Doctor Visit. So We all complain about insurance in some form or fashion. I complain because it's not what it used to be and I pay more now than I did six years ago. But all that being said, I really shouldn't complain too much. The Office of Group Benefits that manages state employee benefits to include medical insurance just started a partnership with a group called Access2Day. Basically it's a partnership with a bunch of physician practices to see people in our health group for minor situations. You don't need an appointment, you don't need to be a prior patient, you get bumped to the head of the line, and you don't pay anything.

I am fiercely loyal to my medical professionals, but it takes me 45 minutes to get to my Primary and I have to make an appointment. Then I have to make my co-pay (which is really the least important of all this...but still). There are about 10 locations I can go to for this program...AND...the nearest one is about three minutes from my house. I can't speak for the other locations...but this one I went to was an actual Physician's Practice. It wasn't an in and out clinic and it wasn't an Urgent Care facility. The office opened at 7 AM and closes at 6 PM.

I'll continue to see my Medical Professionals whom I have built relationships with for years. But I have to say...when you just have a cold and you get in and out in 30 minutes...that's a win for me!

The week is nearing the end and I hope the Cadre is pushing hard to ahead to finish it strong!
Sorry your sick but glad you're nipping it in the bud, bud ;)
Thanks! It's not too bad yet. I am actually fairly clear head and my sinuses haven't exploded yet. After feeling like "death warmed over" for two weeks around Sept/Oct I want to make sure I do what I can to get this to run it's course as quickly as possible and to NOT turn into a bacterial infection in my lungs.
Feel better Don. Have some chicken soup.
