The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Welcome to the Danger Zone!

It can be quite overwhelming! What I do is I read what I can and comment or like where I want to. When I get behind, sorry to say, but I usually just read the last post be the OP and go from there. Especially as TSC grows, there is no way one person will be able to keep up with the with the entire forum. You have to make this enjoyable to you! If it isn't fun, then it will seem like a chore.

Thanks for reading! I hope you figure out your own system!
Funny, makes me think we need a general daily recap thread for the day for the whole forum.
Oh, it was...emph emphasis on the word "was."

Smart leave no leftovers. Fyi I asked my wife for a lasagna
Dude! We totally need a recap...or maybe a "feed."

Oh...that would be EPIC! I wonder...maybe a separate section when you're creating a post for a snippet in the daily roll-up...a sentence or two encapsulating the entry that gets put into an auto-generated thread that creates a new post daily.

As it is, I'm going to have to start assigning users to specific days of the week for catch-up reading, LOL.
Razor: 1962 Gillette Slim Adjustable
Blade: Ladas (2nd Shave)
Soap/cream: Strop Shoppe - Instinct
Brush: Rudy Vey - Shavemac Two Band Silver Tip Badger
Aftershave: Thayers Peach Witch Hazel
After the Aftershave: Fine Accouterments - Platinum
After that After Shave: Fine Accouterments - Platinum

I have had this tub of Strop Shoppe Instinct for about two years now? I picked it up in a trade a while back. I have used it from time to time, but it doesn't get the love it deserves. It definitely isn't for the lack of quality. Strop Shoppe soaps were considered one of the best if not the best back in the day. But even by today's crazy soap standards and's at a minimum a low Tier 1 soap...I would put it middle of the pack Tier 1 if for nothing else but reputation. I for the life of me have never been able to figure out what the scent smells like. And I am usually pretty good at that type of stuff. It has a freshness to it that isn't overpowering but you know it is still there...maybe a little lighter than I would like...but nice nonetheless. It is a little powdery...but less so than a typical barbershop scent. I want to say it smells like a popular cologne...but I just can't put my finger on it. Either is real nice. Stop Shoppe was the first shave soap that I ever tried (It was Russian Tea if I remember correctly) that really wowed me in post shave feel. In fact, it was after I tried that soap, I was on a mission to only purchase soaps that had incredible post shave feel.

But back to the task at hand...Instinct delivered a really nice shave today. Since I shaved yesterday, I opted only for a two pass (North-South-North Again) shave. I wouldn't have shaved at all, but I have to interview someone today, so I need to be present
able. I'm not sure what to call this fact...since I was absent of the journals at that other place (certain obligations to the site took up a lot of my time) many of the acronyms I was used to when I was in the journals had morphed and changed. Now the new shave terminology has passed me up and I feel like a child wondering alone in a theater. It was a pretty good quick shave. Nothing to really write home about, but it was functional and I should look the part today. Of course, what really tied the shave together (Damn! Two Big Lebowski references in the same post) was not just one, not just two, but three big glugs of Fine Platinum splash! It's funny, Fine American Blend used to be my favorite Fine Scent...and it still might be...but the more I use Platinum...well...I guess I am on the bandwagon now! No worries...I smell good...scratch that...I smell great!

The Danger Zone

Not a lot to say again today. I got a lot done at work yesterday and today I have to go interview someone for a potential Ethics violation. Most of these violations are small in nature and usually get dismissed. This one is likely to be one of those. But our agency has investigations from time to time that results in seven figure restitution, repayments, fines, and/or settlements. It can be pretty hairy at times. What is funny is that at the beginning of almost all my investigations, no one takes it seriously. Then they realize that our agency is statutorily mandated and we are actually part of the judicial process. Usually after the first subpoena is issued...they then take it seriously.

I hope you all have a wonderful Tuesday!
Nice set-up and photo, Don! I had the Strop Shoppe Instinct at one time, but can't recall the scent either. Too bad they aren't still in business. We all know how good the Russian Tea was, but I also quite liked their Peppermint.

BTW, I like your "glug" term for aftershave application. I can definitely identify with that - if it's not running down my arms, it's not enough!
Ok ok ok! I’ll try Fine Platinum!

And, go get em Dan!!
Good shave, read, and picture Don!

I still used BBS and DFS and such. I haven't jumped on the GWDBSBBS band wagon.
Nice Photo and shave. Never tried Stroppe Shop and you have me regretting that. Shame they aren't around as was posted. Now I'm curious of the Fine Platinum.
Ok ok ok! I’ll try Fine Platinum!

And, go get em Dan!!
Nice Photo and shave. Never tried Stroppe Shop and you have me regretting that. Shame they aren't around as was posted. Now I'm curious of the Fine Platinum.

I can't really speak for the soap all that much. But I am using the EdT and the after shave and it is wonderful. I like the way it feels and cools on the skin and I always get compliments on it from that ladies at work. THe wife used to compliment Fine American Blend more often than Platinum, but the tides have changed lately and she is really digging the Platinum.
Whew! I don’t know how I got so backed up on stuff, but reading your journal is like binging on anime! Before I knew it I had reached the end. I wear Hawaiian shirts every Sunday to Church and have started a kinda trend there. Haven’t missed one in several years, although I have a couple Guyabera shirts that I allow into the mix. SWMBO and I are easing into a keto style lifestyle, which is quite difficult for this Asian boy! My understanding of the rules isn’t great, but I’m happy to have my bacon! I immediately lost 8 pounds and am stalled, probably from all the carry-in’s at Church.
Whew! I don’t know how I got so backed up on stuff, but reading your journal is like binging on anime! Before I knew it I had reached the end. I wear Hawaiian shirts every Sunday to Church and have started a kinda trend there. Haven’t missed one in several years, although I have a couple Guyabera shirts that I allow into the mix. SWMBO and I are easing into a keto style lifestyle, which is quite difficult for this Asian boy! My understanding of the rules isn’t great, but I’m happy to have my bacon! I immediately lost 8 pounds and am stalled, probably from all the carry-in’s at Church.

Sorry for the delay gents...been busy.

Glad you are spreading the Aloha spirit at church! I had to miss my "Aloha Friday" at work yesterday because I had to conduct some interviews, which required me to where a coat and tie. No bother...I'll catch up next week!.

Glad to hear that you are easing into Keto. I think it is just a healthier way of eating. Lots of healthy implications with it also. And who doesn't want to be healthier! There are no real hard and fast rules with it...just limit your carbs to those you find in some veggies. Some people ease them selves into keto by going paleo or a low carb version of the Mediterranean diet. Whatever works for you. The key, in my opinion, is to limit the grains and sugar as much as possible. You do that, and you will be healthier! Also, don't be discouraged if you are on a stall. It is likely that your body is doing other things to heal itself. I was on a two month stall...maybe more...and I really didn't care all that much. Last week I noticed the scale starting to tick downward again...albeit slowly...but it is moving. I have also noticed (and so has my wife) that my tummy is getting flatter. If you eat right and have patience...all will fall into place!