The Shaving Cadre

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Welcome to the Danger Zone!

Razor: Merkur Progress
Blade: Rapira Swedish Steel
Soap/Cream: CBL Premium Shave Soap - The Shaving Cadre
Brush: TSC 1st Anniversary Brush in Timber Wolf Synthetic by Eric Sorrentino (@Smattayu )
The Penultimate Aftershave: Thayers Peach Witch Hazel
The Ultimate Aftershave: Fine Accouterments - Fresh Vetiver

Oh man! How good does a good shave feel after a relatively stressful weekend. I had several days of growth, but the Progress and the Rapira Swedish Steel mowed down the enchanted forest that is my beard. I normally like a mild setting on this razor but I cranked up the aggressiveness today. Turned the knob to 3.5 out of the five and went to town. And oh man! Does this soap perform. Now most of you know that I am partial to Chris' hemp oil formula, but this formula is almost as good. I am hard pressed to think of a better soap than I did a four passer on account of the thicker than usual beard, and came out 90% BBS. Just the usual neck area with the fine stubble left! A splash of Fine Vetever and all is right in the universe!

The Danger Zone:

First of all I want to tank all of the thoughts and prayers that came my way! I think they worked! Because the effects of Barry were not as destructive as anticipated. When we talk about hurricanes, the wind is usually what is talked about the most. In this case we were definitely more concerned about the rain. The Amite River (the culprit from the 2016 flooding) was initially projected to crest at 41 feet. To give you an idea of what that means...the Amite River in 2016 crested at 46 feet. And at 46 feet...I had over four feet of water in my house. Now mind you...I live about five miles from that river. But all the drainage in 2016 was flowing backwards and thus the catastrophe we had. So we had some serious concern. Well, the rain totals were being revised and the projected crest of the river went down to 26 feet...which is just below flood stage. At 26 feet, I am not that concerned where I live.

Out of precaution...the wife an in-laws got the hell out of Dodge for the weekend. The Danger Hounds too. After getting the info that things were not as bad as initially predicted, we made it back home. But as we got home...we had several hours of intense rain and the already swollen drainage were having a hard time keeping up. Up...our butts puckered. The back yard of my Mother's home and my in-law's home (they live on the same street) began to fill with water. But a few hours later, all was well.

The infrastructure in this area needs more work, but for now, I am grateful for the cleaning of ditches and dredging of canals that have been done. But my wife is on a rampage. We have a drainage district here and we are attending the board meetings each month. She knows a lot of what is going on with what she does for her work, so she plans on finding out what they are doing about what and how money is being spent.

Once again...thank you Cadre for thinking of my family in this time that could have potentially been bad. Yup...we are still thinking of moving...but as you all's not always as easy as just picking up and going!

Hope The Cadre has a wonderful Monday!
Oh and one more thing! If I learned anything this was that The Weather Channel is the absolute worst! The information they spew is incorrect often and then they focus on things that are not as on point as they should be. It is as if they want to address the worse possible scenarios, no matter if they are likely or not, for the sake of ratings...:oops:.
Glad you're OK! Suport for the Mrs, that drainage district needs to be taught a lesson!
Nice shave too ;)
Thanks Gagi! Oh and believe me...the SWMBO gets her way no matter what! 🤪 Being an attorney and one that works in the water protection biz...she definitely knows her stuff about the subject matter.
Glad everything turned out alright. We're getting one of the bands coming through as I sit here typing this up. The rain is a little heavy, but the wind isn't too bad.
Razor: Merkur Progress
Blade: Rapira Swedish Steel (2nd Shave)
Soap/Cream: CBL Premium Shave Soap - Roasted Oatmeal Stout
Brush: TSC Member Brush the "Luca Brasi" in Finest Badger Eric Sorrentino (@Smattayu )
The Penultimate Aftershave: Thayers Peach Witch Hazel
The Ultimate Aftershave: Figaro Monsieur


Second shave in the Artisan Soap week featuring our very own I say it's our own but really it's @CBLindsay Chris' soap. But I think most of us our proud of what he has accomplished the absolute best product that is out on the market, that we all call Chris our very own! Roasted Oatmeal Stout was called up today. This guy never sits on the bench very long and it's only so I can rotate other soaps. This is a definite must have when available! Ask @Spider who I think bought Chris out of house and home when he found out how much he loved the scent! If I am playing @Blade-meister 's Shave Golf...this is definitely a birdie! After yesterday's aggressive setting on the Progress to whack down the enchanted forest...I went ahead and dialed it way down today and got myself a mostly BBS shave with the exception of my trouble spots that just never quite get there. Overall I would say that the shave was a DFS+ maybe add another plus in there for good measure! Only a couple glugs of the Figaro Monsieur today. Ah hell, who am I kidding...I might have used a third of the bottle and more is glugging and splashing is to come when I am off to work! I'm just going to put this out there...Damn I smell good!

The Danger Zone:

Back to work after the stressful weekend. And while work itself was uneventful...I was not in the mindset to do much work! I got some stuff accomplished, but overall I feel like I should have done more. Oh well, there is always today...and in my line of work...there is no shortage of it. The wife and I are excited to go to Pennsylvania in a couple of weeks. I LOVE western PA. I love the way it looks and I love how rural it is. And there is always Pittsburgh if you want to be dazzled with the big city attractions.

It's Tuesday Cadre...and I know you all are going to crush it!