The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Welcome to the Danger Zone!

Very nice setup, except for the blade lol. I really need to get a bottle of Osage Rub. Sounds like just the right thing for a Summer shave.
Razor: Merkur Progress
Blade: Astra SP (New Blade)
Soap/Cream: Declaration Grooming in Collaboration with Chatillon Lux - Vide Poche
Brush: Stirling 24 mm Fan in Finest Badger
The Penultimate Aftershave: Thayers Cucumber Witch Hazel
The Ultimate Aftershave: Chatillon Lux - Vide Poche


Today is "V" day for the soap themes and I have been waiting for this! Vide Poche for the "V!" If you have been reading my journals, then you know that this probably my favorite scent in soap and aftershave! Never picked me for a floral guy...but man this stuff smells divine! The soap is an elite soap also being that it is Declaration Grooming's Icharus base.

I decided to pitch the Graham Field blade. I do think I could get more shaves out of it, but really, why would I. I have established that it is sharp enough to cut hair (barely). And I have established that you can get a serviceable shave from the GF. But I have also established that it is a super uncomfortable shave, especially if you have a few days of growth. Man that shave sucked. So while you CAN shave with it. The bigger question is...WHY WOULD YOU?

So instead of the GF I used a blade that I haven't used in a VERY long time. I went with the Astra SP. This is a favorite among many, especially new comers. But I will tell you, this blade was better than I remembered! Or maybe I was just coming from such a bad blade. Anyway...I was smother after my first pass with the Astra SP than I was at any time with the GF. Three passes and I am DFS+, whic is about as good as I get!

More awesomeness happened when I reached for the same scented Aftershave! I will say that the aftershave is a little on the oily side of things...but quickly absorbs in the skin. The longevity of the scent sticks with you a goodly part of the day! All in all this was one of the better shaves I have had in a while!

The Danger Zone:

So the slight change in diet has zapped my energy a little. I am still able to function, but after my cardio session yesterday I was wiped out. This was expected as there is an adjustment period and I should be fine in a couple days. Drink more water, add more salt, get more electrolytes and all should be well. The exercise will help with the glycogen flush. All in is humming along pretty well right now.

Hope the Cadre has a fantastic Tuesday!
When I started shaving Shawn sent me some Astra blades. I used them until finding Gillette SB's. Like you, I just went back and used one and found them great too. For me, I think I've just improved in shaving skills in the pressure area.

Glycogen flush.....sounds like something Shawn would have on deck to do at work 😆 Glad it's working for you though. Your diet has come a long way as you've worked through the different things you've been trying.
Getting back into the grind of weightloss is always difficult. The summer is always hard for me with beer and bbq parties. Good stuff Don
Razor: Merkur Progress
Blade: Astra SP (2nd Shave)
Soap/Cream: Cherry City Shave Products - Willamette Woods
Brush: TSC Member Brush the "Luca Brasi" in finest badger by Eric Sorrentino (@Smattayu )
The Penultimate Aftershave: Thayers Peach Witch Hazel
The Ultimate Aftershave: Fine Accouterments - American Blend


A shave with the letter "W" was in order today! I was excited for today's shave because I have been saving it for the Letter "W" shave! Today I reached for Willamette Woods by Cherry City Shave Products (@Cherry City Mustache )! I pulled out all of the sample and stuck it in my Captain's Choice Lather bowl and proceeded to load. When lathering, it...the lather...just felt silky smooth and luxurious. It lathered easily and didn't require copious amounts of water to get it to a consistency I like. It lathered very well. The soap itself hit all the markers that I look for: great slickness, nice protection, really good face feel, residual slickness hit the mark, and post shave feel was good too! If I had a complaint...and it's a minor that I wish the strength of scent was a tad stronger. This soap has a very pleasant woody scent, but sometimes gets over taken by soap itself. But all in all I think this is a very nice soap! When the wife looks the other way...I think I will snag the credit card and make a purchase! Finished the shave with a DFS+ which is about as good as it gets for except on rare occasions. Finished off with several glugs of Fine American Blend. With this kind of shave...who can blame f=me for starting my day off great!

The Danger Zone:

Well it seems that Hurricane Season is upon us and the coast line from Texas to Florida is preparing for what is looking like possibly the first named storm of the year in the Gulf of Mexico. Went to the store last night to pick up bottled water, some canned goods, and other supplies. Tonight I will fill up the propane tanks and the five gallon gas cans I have as well as the vehicles for anticipation of a storm that is at the very least going to make some rain for us. Not looking forward to this but what are you going to do. My wife is already in stress out mode as she spent until 11:00 PM last night making sure all of our important stuff is on shelves high up or in the attic. Either way...we are a getting ready! Hopefully all will be for naught, but in the meantime...well yeah.

Hope the Cadre has a wonderful day...because you's Hump Day!