The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Welcome to the Danger Zone!

Who else is let down that Don doesn’t have a portable man cave tent in his attic?
Now that is funny! Considering it is about 140 degrees in my attic right now...I think it would be more like a sweat lodge than man cave!

The attic tent makes sense now lol. My attic access is in the garage so this wouldn't make a whole of sense in my house.
Probably not...but it helps with cold also.

Caught up! The attic tent is a clever idea. Nice shaves. I bet you were caught by surprise to find that you have a soap with a Q lying around. Haha
Actually...I knew I was going to use this one for today's shave. If you get a chance to shave with a Queen Charlotte soap...please won't be disappointed!

The attic access tent is a great idea! Our last house had a pull down stairway that I’m sure would whistle with the cross breeze through the gable vents. A man-cave tent would be a natural!
I wish I had the prairie winds traversing through my would be a lot cooler than it is now!

Enjoy the extended weekend Don!
Oh I will...don't you worry about that... 🤪

Thanks guys for reading and commenting!
Razor: Gillette Big Fellow
Blade: Voskhod (2nd Shave)
Soap/Cream: Victory Shave Soap - Pilot
Brush: Stirling 24 mm Fan in Finest Badger
The Penultimate Aftershave: Thayers Cucumber Witch Hazel
The Ultimate Fine Accouterments - American Blend


So my photo editing skills are not the best...but I think you guys get the gist. I don't shave with my Big Fellow enough because it is such a beautiful razor that I don't want to diminish the quality of the razor. But I really do need to shave with it more as it is just a fine razor! Good old fashion American ingenuity! Trying to keep with the American theme...I reached for my Victory Shave Soap. Pilot is a wonderful scent with all the floral going on. It's a good soap...maybe not the best...but certainly high Tier 2. And what better way to finish of an All American Shave...than to douse myself with some Fine American Blend! All in all I had a great shave today!

The Danger Zone:

It's the Fourth of July! And Happy Birthday America! I know the Fourth has kind of lost its luster from when I was a kid. As a kid I remember midways, parades, fireworks, and all the festivities that the week would bring. I remember hot summer days and playing baseball. I remember running through the woods and playing in the creeks and streams. But maybe this is all revisionist history of my life while I view it through nostalgic colored glasses. Either way...I remember having a lot of fun as a kid. Today, I will be celebrating by throwing some burgers on the grill and spending time with the wife and her family! Friends and Family that are in or were in the Military are never far from my thoughts! And you Cadre...I will be thinking of you and your families also!
I hope you're enjoying the 4th, Don. I'm glad we can celebrate freely without repercussions, that's the most American thing about today.
This is the first time I’ve heard of a razor called Big Fellow. Unless it’s just a fat boy and you’re messing with those of us with next to no knowledge of old razors.
This is the first time I’ve heard of a razor called Big Fellow. Unless it’s just a fat boy and you’re messing with those of us with next to no knowledge of old razors.

Just for you Dave!

Razor: Merkur Progress
Blade: Graham Field (New Blade)
Soap/Cream: Ariana & Evans - St. Barts
Brush: TSC First Anniversary Brush in Timber Wolf Synthetic by Eric Sorrentino @Smattayu
The Penultimate Aftershave: Thayers Cucumber Witch Hazel
The Ultimate Aftershave: Ariana & Evans - St. Barts


Another shave after the yard work. I am starting to make a habit of this, and it's not such a bad thing. Today is the latter "S" day in the soap themes and therefore pulled out one of my favorites...St. Barts by A&E! It's a great performer and just smells wonderful! But the soap isn't the highlight of the day. It's the blade! Back in November @Spider sent me a Graham Field blade to shave with. Embarrassingly, I have neglected the shave...until now! And before you all start clamoring...yes there is a video. It being produced right now and will have to get uploaded to the Tube of You.

First of all...this is not the worse blade ever. I still maintain that the blades that come with the Dollar Tree Razor are much worse than this. That being said...The Graham Field Blade is not far behind. Now to be fair, I haven't shaved in probably four...maybe five days. Actually that isn't right...because I shaved on the Fourth. Either's been several days. With that being said...I had to do a couple WtG passes. Then a XtG that wasn't very good. And then finished up with an AtG pass. I am not sure how it happened by I ended up with a shave that is just slightly shy of a DFS. But the blade didn't make it easy though. A lot of tugging and pulling and for the life of me I was having the darnest time trying to get the chin area. My neck is a little more rough than I like...but all in all the shave was pretty decent. And hey! There wasn't any blood! So it has to be good right? A few glugs of the Aftershave of the Same name as the soap and I seriously smell pretty damn good!

The Danger Zone:

A lot of yard work today and it was a hot one! The actual temp "only hit 98 today...but the heat index said it felt like 108! This has to be one of the hottest Julys we have had in a long time. Seriously not looking forward to August...our hottest month! If it gets much hotter I think Satan himself might move in next door. 👿🥵

Anyway...I hope the Cadre had a wonderful holiday weekend! I know mine was one that was a bit relaxing.
Razor: Merkur Progress
Blade: Graham Field (2nd Shave)
Soap/Cream: Sudsy Soapery - Twice Mint
Brush: TSC First Anniversary Brush in Timber Wolf Synthetic by Eric Sorrentino @Smattayu
The Penultimate Aftershave: Thayers Cucumber Witch Hazel
The Ultimate Aftershave: Osage Rub


(Pic is from Back in April...but it's the same setup)

For some reason I am a day behind on the Alphabet theme in the soaps. And while I should have been doing a "U" shave...I was thinking of a "T" shave! Oh, well...I'll get there some day! At any I used Sudsy Soapery Twice Mint soap. And smells just like Double Mint Gum! This is a perfect hot weather soap as it gives you a tingling feeling all over!

But the story of today's shave is it is my second shave with the Graham Field blade. And yes @Spider I finished the entire "three pass and a clean up" shave with the blade! So I guess I got farther than @Cvargo on this. I'll try to do a full week with it...but at this point there are no guarantees! And how many shaves did you get with one blade? You sir are a masochist! But once again...while during the shave, I was not as comfortable as if I was using pretty much any other blade, but after three passes I ended up with something slightly less than a DFS. The chin area isn't usually a trouble area for me. But for some reason this blade just doesn't want to cut it! On the sunny side up of things...I don't think it is even possible to cut yourself with this blade!

Pulled out the big guns in the aftershave department today. Since our heat index has been anywhere between 105 and 110 lately...I went with the coldest aftershave I have...Osage Rub! Several Glugs of this stuff and I feel like I am standing on top of Mount Everest eating a Peppermint Patty!

The Danger Zone:'s back on Keto for me again for a bit. Honestly I was doing well with my Paleo-ish/Whole Food/Low Carb way of life. I was even making some progress with dimensions in the body. I always wanted to do some type of cycling...something like two or three months on that and then two or three months on Keto. I think it is important to be metabolically flexible and let the body of the ability to burn fat and carbs for fuel. Anyway...the last couple of weeks I was kind of bad about my diet. And over the holiday weekend...I was really bad. In the past two weeks I packed on eight pounds and so enough is enough! Time to go back on Keto for a bit! It's not much of a challenge for me since I get to eat all my favorite foods on Keto. Anyway...there will be a couple days of adjustment though as the body swaps from one fuel to another!

Hope the Cadre has an absolute awesome Monday!