The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Welcome Ethos Grooming

Welcome. I love the dragonbeard soap. I would also like to use the aftershave but the restrictions on the shipping of alcohol make this impossible.
Too bad about the really is unique. But on a happy note...glad you are back at TSC! Thanks for posting!
Welcome. I love the dragonbeard soap. I would also like to use the aftershave but the restrictions on the shipping of alcohol make this impossible.

I’m glad you like the soap. Where do you live that doesn’t allow shipping of a product that contains alcohol?
I will in the not to distinct future be making some other post shave products as I’m testing a serum and a after shave/ nighttime rejuvenating moisturizing cream for folks with very dry skin along with a post shave gel with an even higher dose of the EOS complex and HA in it than the Skin Food splash. All those could be shipped as they do not contain alcohol.

welcome back to TSC and I’ll be posting updates so stay in touch.

@muelex '
I feel your pain. One possible although convoluted option for you.
There was a aftershave that was only available in your part of the world. After searching online and trying to find anyone that would ship it to me here in the States.
I had basically gave up. Posted my frustration online.
And then something really nice happened. One of your countrymen contacted me. He would be traveling to the US and was willing to put a couple bottles of the AS in his carry on.
And then then ship them to me when he was wheels down over here.
Later that Christmas I sent him a few American Straights to repay his generous help.

And let me be the first to offer my services to be your aftershave "Mule". All you have to do is send me a plane ticket to Germany. And I'll fill my luggage with all product I can.

Seriously as long as someone is traveling from here to anywhere in the EU that they can then ship it to you. Could be an option/solution.
Adapt and Overcome. US Army mantra.
@muelex '
I feel your pain. One possible although convoluted option for you.
There was a aftershave that was only available in your part of the world. After searching online and trying to find anyone that would ship it to me here in the States.
I had basically gave up. Posted my frustration online.
And then something really nice happened. One of your countrymen contacted me. He would be traveling to the US and was willing to put a couple bottles of the AS in his carry on.
And then then ship them to me when he was wheels down over here.
Later that Christmas I sent him a few American Straights to repay his generous help.

And let me be the first to offer my services to be your aftershave "Mule". All you have to do is send me a plane ticket to Germany. And I'll fill my luggage with all product I can.

Seriously as long as someone is traveling from here to anywhere in the EU that they can then ship it to you. Could be an option/solution.
Adapt and Overcome. US Army mantra.

Hey my friend I’d be happy to help any way I can on my end and thank you for your service!!

Hello all!

1. First off I'd like to apologize for the delay on updating this section. I'm definitely behind schedule mostly due to labels for the products I have ready to go. One of the reasons that the labels are taking so long is due to a lot of input and suggestions from a bunch of my shaving friends I decided to made a change to the labels. So the graphic designer has to redo all of them with the changes. Hopefully this won't take to long but I know she has a very sick mom right now and it's shortened the time she has to work on the ETHOS labels and website. Hopefully we will get a coupe labels to the printer by Monday morning as we usually work on the weekend on the project.

2. So as of now I have one of the two bases I'm coming out with complete as far as testing goes and as soon as I have a finished product I will be sending out samples to testers that will give me their feedback.
3. I also have 25 bottles of unscented Skin Food splash ready to go with the increase in percentage of the EOS Complex which will be in all the products moving forward.
4. It's looking like the first Shave Soap and Skin Food splash that will be released will be in the Niche Boutique Collection with the Pineapple Noir scent named Succes which I've been getting really good feedback on from the testers. A EDP will follow very shortly after the release of the other two products and I'm getting requests for other grooming products with this scent already.
5. Two very high grade of pure Lavender oils I ordered from France will be in the next Shave Soap and Skin Food splash and it will probably be released about 2 weeks after the Succes is released. Some may ask why two. Well I've found that one lavender oil seems to work best in a soap base and the other in the Skin Food splash. The end result is if you love Lavender in its pure form you should enjoy it. When I do a night shave I usually use Lavender as it's relaxing and I can wear it to bed which is something I don't enjoy using cologne like scents.
6. I also have a very exciting collaboration coming up in the near future with a very well known soap maker who reached out to me to say he felt bad about my banning over on the other site. A couple of texts and 2 long phone calls later where the idea came up and he texted me last week and said let's do it. I'm very excited to do this with him. As I stated before I believe it this practice as I think it brings our hobby, the brand owners and the members even closer together as we are all in this journey together and that's the short story. There may be another but I haven't gotten the final word yet but as I have to create something first and then we will talk and make a decision but I also have high hopes for that collaboration to happen this spring/summer.
7. I also have a special release coming up in the near future that will probably be a limited edition product which for selfish reasons I made because of my love of the scent but I know there are others out there that feel the same why that I do and that was proven with a sample of the not quite finished prototype I made I shared with a shaving friend and his family and I will share with some testers as soon as the final is ready.
8. Also some may be thinking is he only launching out 2 soaps and 2 Skin Food splashes and the answer is no. There will be more shortly after the first two come out I'm just trying to figure out scent choices as I have two very unique what I call cool weather scents I could release and some all year types and I'm trying to make a decision as to whether or not release the cool weather ones within the month or wait until fall and work on what I call the more fresh clean warm weather scents. I had a friend of mine say he doesn't think of scents like that and thinks I should release whatever I want no matter what time of year it is.... I'd really like to hear some thoughts on this subject from some members as I'm conflicted on how I feel about this.
9. Last but not least I'm working on a lot of other products besides Shave Soap and Skin Food splashes. 2 pre shave products are in the works along with 3 other post shave products. Also working on skin care products, In the shower products and hair care as well.

Well that's all I have that I can share as of today but there will be further updates coming very soon.

Thank you for your patience with this newbie!

Great Shaves!

Sounds like great stuff Frank! I know a lot of soap makers will do releases for certain seasons, I'm along the lines of what your friend stated and don't give any thought to what season it is when I pick a soap scents to use. Looking forward to upcoming s for ETHOS
I tend to use whatever scent sounds good in the moment. season doesn't really matter, not that we have much in the way of seasons out here in the desert lol.