The Shaving Cadre

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TSC Watch List

My Bride and I met a friend for breakfast today. Afterward, we sorted through the tub of watches on the sidewalk in front of the restaurant. (See my earlier post for details.) There were a few watches in the tub that had never been worn and were still stickered. We didn't have much time, so I had to move through them quickly. The photos show some of the more interesting ones I picked out for the eBay store of the organization where she volunteers. We ended up with a mountain of quartz "fashion" watches destined for a table at a local flea mall.

For one reason or another, the watches below appealed to me in some way in the few seconds I had each of them in hand. I might have made some different decisions if I had more time.

My sister likes old Mickey's, so she may be contacting my friend on two of the older Minnies. Likewise, I asked my friend to do some research and set fair prices on the two Bulovas...and wait for it....the Big Boy watch. Those will be mine. :)

As I was going through the watches, I looked up and saw two ladies seated in the restaurant smiling and wondering what in the world was happening out on the sidewalk. All they could see was the three of us giggling and hurriedly inspecting and separating watches into different containers. I looked toward them, smiled, held a watch up to the window, and then proceeded to hang it in my jacket liner. I could see them laughing.

We had fun and hopefully it will help raise some money for a good cause.

Yours truly,
Friendly Freddie


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Hey @BarberDave speaking of shopping in Vegas, I notice it looks like you don't have a Grand Seiko yet...
I do not, other than the long gone Seiko Monster, not much in the line up interests me to be honest other than the prospex
He probably does.. The man has at least one of everything, or so it seems !!;):D
nope..... not yet anyway