The Shaving Cadre

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TSC First Anniversary Brush

Can any of you guys describe the characteristics of the knots?
I have a Tuxedo knot that I find to be a little to springy. My Plisson I love and my Whippeddog is ok.
Can any of you guys describe the characteristics of the knots?
I have a Tuxedo knot that I find to be a little to springy. My Plisson I love and my Whippeddog is ok.
i have a Cashmere from Eric and it is softer and a bit floppier than my tuxedo knots. It is my second favorite synthetic next to the Legacy brush in last nights SOTD.
***If you wish to sign up please copy and paste the below list***

1. cvargo - Timberwolf
2. Cblindsay - Badger
3. Xenostr8shaver - Badger
4. Dave in KY - Timberwolf - PAID
5. JWS VII - Cashmere
6. Majorrich - Badger
7. Bill In Oneida - Timberwolf - PAID
8. dangerousdon - badger
9. dkeester - Cashmere
10. NurseDave - Timberwolf
11. Uacowboy - Timberwolf
12. Sharps -Badger
13. DocHoliday0831—Timberwolf
Can any of you guys describe the characteristics of the knots?
I have a Tuxedo knot that I find to be a little to springy. My Plisson I love and my Whippeddog is ok.
i have a Cashmere from Eric and it is softer and a bit floppier than my tuxedo knots. It is my second favorite synthetic next to the Legacy brush in last nights SOTD.

That’s how I’d describe it as well. I prefer the cashmere to the tuxedo, though I enjoy both. I haven’t tried the Timberwolf yet and so can’t comment on it.

The knots came in today. Here are a couple pics. I haven’t even checked the lofts yet, and the cashmere is a tight fit and wouldn’t drop all the way in, so these are just to show color.
I’m going to go ahead and sign up. Still debating switching to badger. Waiting on pic. I’m going for aesthetics!

***If you wish to sign up please copy and paste the below list***

1. cvargo - Timberwolf
2. Cblindsay - Badger
3. Xenostr8shaver - Badger
4. Dave in KY - Timberwolf - PAID
5. JWS VII - Cashmere
6. Majorrich - Badger
7. Bill In Oneida - Timberwolf - PAID
8. dangerousdon - badger
9. dkeester - Cashmere
10. NurseDave - Timberwolf
11. Uacowboy - Timberwolf
12. Sharps -Badger
13. DocHoliday0831—Timberwolf
14. Spider - Cashmere
***If you wish to sign up please copy and paste the below list***

1. cvargo - Timberwolf
2. Cblindsay - Badger
3. Xenostr8shaver - Badger
4. Dave in KY - Timberwolf - PAID
5. JWS VII - Cashmere
6. Majorrich - Badger
7. Bill In Oneida - Timberwolf - PAID
8. dangerousdon - badger
9. dkeester - Cashmere
10. NurseDave - Timberwolf
11. Uacowboy - Timberwolf
12. Sharps -Badger
13. DocHoliday0831—Timberwolf
14. Spider - Cashmere
15. Dagwoodz - Timberwolf (don't have one yet)
Josh got the Timberwolf! I know what I’m getting now if I’m able to participate! ?
I have a couple timbrwolf knots myself. They are very much like the tuxedo, so much so I suspect they are the same knot stick with a unique die pattern. I Have not got any yet but there are green (hunter like kJ showed), blue and red versions that look like they might be tuxedo type as well.
They appear more dense than the tuxedo that was in the RV Egg brush from the other place. That one was just OK. A bit loose in holding lather and floppy.
The Timberwolf knots are not the same as the tuxedo, in my experience. The tuxedos are more dense. The timberwolf is more floppy, but feels softer. The Timberwolf is very similar to the cashmere in terms of softness.

The other colored brushes Chris spoke of, are the same as the tuxedo, to me.
So is the Timberwolf less springy than the Tuxedo? I like Backbone for hard soaps and face lathering.
Sorry to belabor, I want to make sure.

That (left brush) Tuxedo knot is more dense and less floppy than the Timberwolf?
So is the Timberwolf less springy than the Tuxedo?
To me, yes. I love the Timberwolf for face lathering. Very soft.
Sorry to belabor, I want to make sure.

That (left brush) Tuxedo knot is more dense and less floppy than the Timberwolf?
I don’t think that’s a tuxedo. Tuxedo knots are Black & White. And I think the colored knots, like my blood knot below, are the same just with the white tips dyed.

Timber, Tux, Blood, Tux, Cashmere
I really should stop checking in here. I just continue to get tempted even though I know I can't spare the funds at this time. My heating fuel bill just started it's annual spike and I had to repair my heater which cost me a mortgage payment. Now we just had a wind storm and a couple of panels of my fence went down and I am waiting for a couple of handimen to come an give a quote. If I sign up, it will probably be on the last day of sign up. Oh well, I am sure there will be a second anniversary something next year.
I really should stop checking in here. I just continue to get tempted even though I know I can't spare the funds at this time. My heating fuel bill just started it's annual spike and I had to repair my heater which cost me a mortgage payment. Now we just had a wind storm and a couple of panels of my fence went down and I am waiting for a couple of handimen to come an give a quote. If I sign up, it will probably be on the last day of sign up. Oh well, I am sure there will be a second anniversary something next year.

Luckily you have until Feb 8th to pay!
***If you wish to sign up please copy and paste the below list***

1. cvargo - Timberwolf
2. Cblindsay - Badger
3. Xenostr8shaver - Badger
4. Dave in KY - Timberwolf - PAID
5. JWS VII - Cashmere
6. Majorrich - Badger
7. Bill In Oneida - Timberwolf - PAID
8. dangerousdon - badger
9. dkeester - Cashmere
10. NurseDave - Timberwolf
11. Uacowboy - Timberwolf
12. Sharps -Badger
13. DocHoliday0831—Timberwolf
14. Spider - Cashmere
15. Dagwoodz - Timberwolf (don't have one yet)
16. ShavePastor- Badger
Now I just need to figuyout how to take the balance from two Visa gift cards and load it into my PayPal! I have a month for that though either way Eric will get paid.
***If you wish to sign up please copy and paste the below list***

1. cvargo - Timberwolf
2. Cblindsay - Badger
3. Xenostr8shaver - Badger
4. Dave in KY - Timberwolf - PAID
5. JWS VII - Cashmere
6. Majorrich - Badger
7. Bill In Oneida - Timberwolf - PAID
8. dangerousdon - badger
9. dkeester - Cashmere
10. NurseDave - Timberwolf
11. Uacowboy - Timberwolf
12. Sharps -Badger
13. DocHoliday0831—Timberwolf
14. Spider - Cashmere
15. Dagwoodz - Timberwolf
16. ShavePastor- Badger