The Shaving Cadre

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TSC First Anniversary Brush

Bill In Oneida has trouble navigating with his phone. When I told him about it he asked me to put him down for a Timberwolf

***If you wish to sign up please copy and paste the below list***

1. cvargo - Timberwolf
2. Cblindsay - Badger
3. Xenostr8shaver - Badger
4. Dave in KY - Timberwolf - PAID
5. JWS VII - Cashmere
6. Majorrich - Badger
7. Bill In Oneida - Timberwolf

*** Copy and paste above info***
Bill's ready to pay but I told him I may have jumped the gun. Should he wait or should I help him with Erics info to paypal it?
Hey guys, thanks for your interest in the brush! I'm excited about doing this for The Cadre, and am happy to answer any questions directed towards my end to the best of my ability.

I have some firsthand experience with the Luxury Silvertip, all of it good, though I ended up PIFing that brush. I wanted the person getting it to have the best knot that was in my stable, and it is wonderfully soft on the face. I didn't have any shedding issues in the time I had mine, though I know that Dave in KY has had that problem with his.

I don't currently have a Cashmere or Timberwolf in stock, but I've got one of each ordered, and will supply pics of those two in the handle when they come in.
Eric, can you let me know if it's okay I already paid and should I help walk Bill in Oneida through his paying as he is ready to and needs my help?
I'll just sign up now...and if new info arises before the deadline I'll change it to another knot. Super excited about this!

***If you wish to sign up please copy and paste the below list***

1. cvargo - Timberwolf
2. Cblindsay - Badger
3. Xenostr8shaver - Badger
4. Dave in KY - Timberwolf - PAID
5. JWS VII - Cashmere
6. Majorrich - Badger
7. Bill In Oneida - Timberwolf
8. dangerousdon - badger

*** Copy and paste above info***
Here is info Dave sent me about the badger knot. He is in school today so won't be on until later.

The envy has the best of all worlds. A lather generator, soft gel like tips almost from the get go, if it set right plenty of backbone but not scratchy at all. It is the closest thing I have found to the SV knot.

I will also just make clear that the agreed upon portion between Eric and us is the same regardless of what knot you pick.
***If you wish to sign up please copy and paste the below list***

1. cvargo - Timberwolf
2. Cblindsay - Badger
3. Xenostr8shaver - Badger
4. Dave in KY - Timberwolf - PAID
5. JWS VII - Cashmere
6. Majorrich - Badger
7. Bill In Oneida - Timberwolf - PAID
8. dangerousdon - badger

*** Copy and paste above info***
A friendly reminder to those participating in the "S Word" starting in January. This purchase will not cause you to fail the restraint and does not count as using an exception since it is TSC branded merchandise.

***If you wish to sign up please copy and paste the below list***

1. cvargo - Timberwolf
2. Cblindsay - Badger
3. Xenostr8shaver - Badger
4. Dave in KY - Timberwolf - PAID
5. JWS VII - Cashmere
6. Majorrich - Badger
7. Bill In Oneida - Timberwolf - PAID
8. dangerousdon - badger
9. dkeester - Cashmere

*** Copy and paste above info***
Dave still didn’t want to take any chances....
Won’t count against your household budget either, sources say.

I’m still working that angle with the missus. ?
As long as it comes in during the day, and it goes straight to the den, it doesn’t count at all for retired guys! As long as SWMBO doesn’t catch us!
Won’t count against your household budget either, sources say.

I’m still working that angle with the missus.

My wife okayed it as long as I get her a brush made by Eric. So I'll bring contacting him after these are done.
My wife okayed it as long as I get her a brush made by Eric. So I'll bring contacting him after these are done.
That's hysterical Chad !! I showed my wife and explained it I ordered one. She said that's pretty, I want one. I explained I can only buy 1 of these but will get her one of her choice later and she was all good then too.