The Shaving Cadre

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TSC Family Pets Thread

The last couple of weeks we have been battling some issues with our little guy Chauncey. He is a dachshund and as such, these dogs are very susceptible to Intervertebral disc disease (IVDD). Several years ago he was paralyzed and we were able to rehab him back through various therapies. He was a puppy again. But as all animals do, we get older. This past week our little guy has gotten worse and worse and even with pain meds you can see he is in a lot of pain. To make matters worse, it seems that there is a lot of break through pain. We talk on here about how our pets are really our family. This has never rang more true than now for me.

The wife and I have made the decision that today we will need to put our sweet guy to sleep. It's not the decision I want to make...but it's the decision I have to make. Chauncey is the first pet I have ever had that was mine and my wife's from beginning to end. He is very special to me. And I am going to miss him so much.

I love this picture of my guy sunning himself on our patio. He's peaceful and relaxed. It's exactly how I want to remember him. If you have a with them, love on them, cuddle them as much as you can. They may be only a part of your life, but you are their whole life.

The last couple of weeks we have been battling some issues with our little guy Chauncey. He is a dachshund and as such, these dogs are very susceptible to Intervertebral disc disease (IVDD). Several years ago he was paralyzed and we were able to rehab him back through various therapies. He was a puppy again. But as all animals do, we get older. This past week our little guy has gotten worse and worse and even with pain meds you can see he is in a lot of pain. To make matters worse, it seems that there is a lot of break through pain. We talk on here about how our pets are really our family. This has never rang more true than now for me.

The wife and I have made the decision that today we will need to put our sweet guy to sleep. It's not the decision I want to make...but it's the decision I have to make. Chauncey is the first pet I have ever had that was mine and my wife's from beginning to end. He is very special to me. And I am going to miss him so much.

I love this picture of my guy sunning himself on our patio. He's peaceful and relaxed. It's exactly how I want to remember him. If you have a with them, love on them, cuddle them as much as you can. They may be only a part of your life, but you are their whole life.

Tough choice, sounds like the right one though. Sorry Don. Rest well Chauncey 🍻
Don my deepest condolences. Those are the hardest decisions to make. I am sorry you have to go through this. You and your wife are in my prayers today.

Rainbow Bridge Poem Ceramic Tile |
The last couple of weeks we have been battling some issues with our little guy Chauncey. He is a dachshund and as such, these dogs are very susceptible to Intervertebral disc disease (IVDD). Several years ago he was paralyzed and we were able to rehab him back through various therapies. He was a puppy again. But as all animals do, we get older. This past week our little guy has gotten worse and worse and even with pain meds you can see he is in a lot of pain. To make matters worse, it seems that there is a lot of break through pain. We talk on here about how our pets are really our family. This has never rang more true than now for me.

The wife and I have made the decision that today we will need to put our sweet guy to sleep. It's not the decision I want to make...but it's the decision I have to make. Chauncey is the first pet I have ever had that was mine and my wife's from beginning to end. He is very special to me. And I am going to miss him so much.

I love this picture of my guy sunning himself on our patio. He's peaceful and relaxed. It's exactly how I want to remember him. If you have a with them, love on them, cuddle them as much as you can. They may be only a part of your life, but you are their whole life.

These painful experiences never get easy. So sorry to hear.
My Rescue hell hounds.
Kip & Ranger both are almost 3 years old. They are Brothers and Texas Heelers. Great dogs very well Mannered and they Listen to command’s like most dogs when they want to.




They are Really Great with the grandkids. We Adopted them about 6 months ago from a Local Humane Society.

"Why is it I always get my best ideas while shaving?" ~ Albert Einstein