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Trials of a woodpusher: Adventures in chess, backyard gardening, and maybe whisker chopping

Sorry you have to tackle the green goblin this morning! Hope the weekend finishes strong!
Blah. Now that I am up, I had to go stake tomatoes. Not enough stakes , not enough string, not enough cages. I must be getting old as even that has me sweating now.
Third resume sent out over the past week. While I REALLY like the company I currently work for, I have two bosses that are so very different from each other. One is a fantastic lady who offers a learning/growth environment and the other has pretty much made it clear that my role is a data entry one and I need to focus on processing, processing, processing. The former was super happy that I was able to resolve an issue outstanding since 2013 when they did a major system upgrade; the latter owns the system in question and basically said "okay, but how you making out with *task-xxx* today?"

First-world problems, I know. :rolleyes:
I'm sniffing the air to see if I can find something I enjoy more. I'd like to change what I do, and one of the people I work for.
Third resume sent out over the past week. While I REALLY like the company I currently work for, I have two bosses that are so very different from each other. One is a fantastic lady who offers a learning/growth environment and the other has pretty much made it clear that my role is a data entry one and I need to focus on processing, processing, processing. The former was super happy that I was able to resolve an issue outstanding since 2013 when they did a major system upgrade; the latter owns the system in question and basically said "okay, but how you making out with *task-xxx* today?"

First-world problems, I know. :rolleyes:
Guess which one of those bosses make me happy I'm on disability now? Lol.
I'm sniffing the air to see if I can find something I enjoy more. I'd like to change what I do, and one of the people I work for.
One of the nice things about knowing my time on earth is not as long as I wish it was is this: my fantasies of offering to do brake work for my jerk bosses just seem more fun!
Leaf lettuce and various herbs (basil, oregano, thyme, sage, parsley) so far. The lettuce is freaky is is growing on a small soft stalk, not forming into any heads at all, but the leaves are super soft and I eat a LARGE bowl for lunch almost daily. How much is that? We'll it's a salad spinner FULL that I devour.

Tomatoes are coming along, but nothing changing colour yet. likewise with the thai hot peppers (still all green) and the habanero and scotch bonnet are sadly lagging in development.

On the fruit trees, it looks to be sparse pickings. No apricots, maybe a handful of plums (compared to the buckets we got last year), and maybe a dozen quarter-sized apples so far.
Oh, the beets and carrots are coming along fine as well. The 1st packet of carrot seed must have been bad and we only had one spring up. After waiting a few weeks, I bought another pack and that seems to have taken just fine. So, yes, we will have our traditional home garden veggies come Thanksgiving (Oct for us).
Leaf lettuce and various herbs (basil, oregano, thyme, sage, parsley) so far. The lettuce is freaky is is growing on a small soft stalk, not forming into any heads at all, but the leaves are super soft and I eat a LARGE bowl for lunch almost daily. How much is that? We'll it's a salad spinner FULL that I devour.

Tomatoes are coming along, but nothing changing colour yet. likewise with the thai hot peppers (still all green) and the habanero and scotch bonnet are sadly lagging in development.

On the fruit trees, it looks to be sparse pickings. No apricots, maybe a handful of plums (compared to the buckets we got last year), and maybe a dozen quarter-sized apples so far.
My apples and all my other fruit trees musta got hit with a late frost, all my neighbors around me too.

My Black Walnuts are not very plentiful either, but lawnmower blades aren't complaining!
Heading in to my wife's office this morning (well, just the loading dock for me) so she can FINALLY pick up a office chair and a 2nd monitor. After 2.5 month of WFH, her employer has finally figured out that this might be a long haul and even look to be changing towards a "hotelling" office (i.e. all open desks are available for use) as everyone is being brought in to clean out their desks.

I think next year will be her last before she packs it in, so I have no problem with her breaking more physical/mental ties to her workplace. When she retires, then I am actually allowed to. My earlier retirement only lasted 3.5 years (1.5 of relaxation plus 2 of school) before I was given marching (working) orders; I hope the next one lasts a few decades. 🤪
Sucks about your bosses. My wife supervises a legal section where she works at. And everyone loves here (or at least that is what they tell her... :p ). She is the kind of boss that you love working for. Anyways,, she always says to people, that employees don't leave bad jobs, they leave bad situations. I take this to heart almost everyday. I am in a situation that I really like my job...a lot. I like the work I do. But there are two factors in my job that are making me look elsewhere (within state government...I have to keep those benefits). Number 1...I hate my boss. He is by far the worst manager I have ever worked under. Number 2...I have no opportunity for promotion. The second one I could deal with if it wasn't for the first one.

The garden produce sounds amazing Sam! I wish I would have bit a garden in this year. I could always put a fall one in...but with the baby coming in October...I think I might just wait until next year.

I am sure Real retirement will come sooner than you think...for both of you!

Stay positive Sam! You are a cornerstone around here!
I am a firm believer in the saying: People join good company; people leave bad bosses.

I've been fortunate enough to have had some GREAT ones over the past 34 years, which helps to offset some of the goombahs. The lady at work is a good one, the gent is not a horrible manager and is a nice guy, but doesn't provide what I need in my life right now.