Hey! I was told what happened in Vegas would stay in Vegas!
Hey! I was told what happened in Vegas would stay in Vegas!
Ok that made me spit up my drink! Well done...Bocce?
Always room for moreHmmm, that monkey chess pic makes a nice avatar, but I'm thinking that we already have enough monkeys around here. What say you, @The Monkey and @Dave in KY ?
Still room in the barrel!Hmmm, that monkey chess pic makes a nice avatar, but I'm thinking that we already have enough monkeys around here. What say you, @The Monkey and @Dave in KY ?
The Monkey has him beat in six moves!Reading the Chessbase website, came across this pic. I'm not sure who I associate more with: @The Monkey or the lost-looking guy who's going to get beaten by him!
i've never owned any of those. mostly because i am the only one in the house that would touch a soft boiled egg. I just serve it over toast or something like i would a poached egg.Soft-boiling some eggs and you know what I discovered? We don't have any eggcups! My wife must have thrown out the cheapie dollar-store ones we had when we last moved 5 years ago. That tells you how often we eat soft-boiled.
Now I'm hungry again.That's what I ended up doing; making an egg, hot sauce, mayo and butter mash-up on toast
And that was so awesome (totally a Canadian move) still to try them indeed!Finished up my 1/2-sample slice of CBL Tonsorial, Jeris this morning (GREAT shave BTW) and looking forward to starting my 1/2-sample of Oatmeal Stout in the morning. I cut my samples of Jeris, Oatmeal Stout, and SIR Fougere in half so that @Somnos could enjoy the goodness that is Chris's creation as well.