The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

The wonderful excesses of acquisition disorders...and wet shaving

I’m worried The knurling doesn’t go high enough. I choke up pretty high on a razor.
Nice pics and thorough initial impressions. Looking forward to the video as this one intrigues me and is available to buy unlike some SE's. Thanks Josh
Oh wow that razor is beautiful... I want one! There I said it! no video TODAY...but, I did do my first shave with the Assured razor that was kindly sent to me by Dave in KY so I could partake in the Dollar Tree razor challenge. So, I'm committed to three shaves with this bad boy razor and blade combo, all of which will be with Catie's Bubbles and various brush types. Today was the Paladin Jade Cleo, which is currently the brush with the most presence in my den. Got a very nice lather, albeit a little more on the airy side than I prefer, but not nearly as bad as the PAA soap from the previous few days.

Now, about this razor. It's about what you would expect, though the SS handle threw me for a loop. Of course, it's probably something like schedule 5 tubing that was used for it, so not all that heavy. The razor overall is very light. The doors do close, albeit they're a bit more loose than my vintage Gillette TTO's. The door's don't close exactly even, (again, to be expected), but can be fenagled to about where they should be. Looking at the razor holistically, there's something a little off...not sure if the head is on a little crooked, or something along those lines. It's almost an "Uncanny Valley" feel when looking at it.

Now, the blades. They come, VERY surprisingly, double wrapped. No glue marks on the blade either. I did notice a little indentation on the blade, likely from the machine that it was run through to hone and sharpen the blade before it was cut. No markings on the blade at all otherwise. Loading the blade was a little bit challenging, getting it to line up correctly so the blade exposure and gap on both sides were somewhat equal. What I did notice, however, is the blade angle was different on either side of the razor. This did mean that each time I flipped the razor, i had to find the angle all over again. So a lot of cap riding occurred during this shave.

Now, the shave it self went actually pretty smooth...(no, the blade wasn't smooth...but the shave went by without incident). I was able to do three full passes and had very little to no feedback from the alum. There WAS a bit of tugging/scraping from the blade when the angle got a little bit away from the top cap. I got the impression that the blade was NOT that sharp, and NOT that smooth. But if you stayed relatively close to riding the cap, it was actually a relatively comfortable shave. Results wise, I walked away DFS-, and I honestly didn't want to push for more; though in retrospect, I could have without much repercussion.

All in all, I'm pretty pleased with the blade/razor combo. I've left it loaded up for the next shave, where the only thing that will change is I'll be going to a different brush type. (likely a boar or synthetic). I'll likely do a very quick video tomorrow for the shave, then hold off on the third shave with it until next week sometime. IDK, I might just hold off and do the third shave video review when I do the review of Catie's Bubbles on Sunday. Playing it by ear at this point.

Work has been work...trying to find something back home, and it's challenging for sure. Been out here too long and I need to get back to the family. For myself and more importantly for them.

Thanks for reading my ramblings...I'll try and get on here more often! In the meantime, i'll keep up with the 2-3 videos weekly. Stay sane and warm, everyone!
DFS...Shave Went Smooth...a Relatively Comfortable Shave...LIES! Lies I tell you! Josh here is a shill for the Assured Razor Company! He even knows what kind of tubing they use to make the razor! Josh has been planted here on TSC to perpetuate the "good nature" of the Assured Razor. It wouldn't surprise me if The Dollar Tree Corporation is further padding his wallet. We need to stop this wet shaving rebellion before it even begins!

In all seriousness though Josh...I hope you find a career back state side. Sounds like it is time to come home! Thinking about you brother!
Whoa, Josh has a written journal? I didn’t know people still wrote this day in age, I figured it was all video logs.

Good shave Josh. I hope you’re able to find something on the home front quickly and can make a reasonably smooth transition.
Hope something opens up for you soon. Everyone will be happy to have you back home.
Nice review Josh and glad you joined the party

Thanks Dave! I've neglected the journal for too long. completely lost count, but that's ok.

DFS...Shave Went Smooth...a Relatively Comfortable Shave...LIES! Lies I tell you! Josh here is a shill for the Assured Razor Company! He even knows what kind of tubing they use to make the razor! Josh has been planted here on TSC to perpetuate the "good nature" of the Assured Razor. It wouldn't surprise me if The Dollar Tree Corporation is further padding his wallet. We need to stop this wet shaving rebellion before it even begins!

In all seriousness though Josh...I hope you find a career back state side. Sounds like it is time to come home! Thinking about you brother!

LOL...if I were getting a kickback from Assured, I wouldn't be stuck over here, that's for SURE. LOL. But honestly, thanks Don, it's a work in progress.

Whoa, Josh has a written journal? I didn’t know people still wrote this day in age, I figured it was all video logs.

Good shave Josh. I hope you’re able to find something on the home front quickly and can make a reasonably smooth transition.

Quit josh'in the Josh, Thanks!

Hope something opens up for you soon. Everyone will be happy to have you back home.

Thanks Dave...yes, all concerned parties are looking forward to that.

Great stuff josh

Thanks Chad!
Shave 2 with the Assured Razor and blade...

Same set-up as yesterday aside from the brush, which was changed out for the Semogue 830 boar to see how Catie's Bubbles reacts to the different brush bristle. More on that in the review video on Sunday. Now, on to the razor and blade...*sigh*

Color me surprised, another 3-pass shave, ZERO irritation. Improved results this time, with a DFS the result. A little bit of tugging in a few spots, but comfortable for the most part. Nice shave, all things considered!


I can't believe I typed the above...but it's the unbelievable truth. I got a nice DFS, no irritation shave this morning from the Assured. The razor/blade combo actually improved from yesterdays shave. COLOR ME SURPRISED. I really wanted a scraping skin off face, poltergeist story to write about. Blood on the walls. Battle scars that I can make up stories to tell my grandkids. I wanted the questioning looks from co-workers as I proudly walked into the office with freshly shorn red rivets of flesh torn into my visage. The shocked exclamation of SWMBO the first time video chatting afterwards..."WHAT THE FUDGE!?!" (we went Christmas Story, PG for this one) Call me a masochist, but it's what I was expecting. What I was looking forward to.

Nope. What a disappointment. Just a substandard razor that gives a shave that punches WELL above its price point. The shave is not as comfortable as a vintage Gillette Superspeed or Fatboy, (let alone a 'Crat), not as efficient either. BUT...for the price you pay, you might as well be shaving with a Karve razor. As a matter of fact, I'll say that the Karve razor does NOT give 30-100x better a shave than this does. (it will last at least 100x as long, however) There is quite a bit of blade feel, but ride the cap and that's negated and you can get a clean shave without drama. Now...with that being said...the build quality is SHOCKING. When I say shocking...I'm talking Roseanne singing the National Anthem, scratch your eyeballs out and stick ice-picks in your ears bad. I got the alignment issues good the other day and have been SCARED to open it back up since. I'm handling it like I would handle the explosion-waiting-to-happen that is a sleeping infant or child when they're sleeping on part of you and you need to get up, or you need to move them. Walking on rice paper isn't as delicate a movement as manipulating the mechanics of this razor.

I've got one more shave on this razor and blade. I might throw this blade in the Karve to see how it feels there. Chad, this might be 100 blade worthy.....
You impress me with your ability to turn a phrase! I like the image of Roseann belting out the National Anthem!'s been since February that I haven't posted here. Well, I've been absent for a while, here's a wrap-up of the past three weeks for me...

8 April, 2019

Shave Journal Update

Well...another vacation has come and gone. Though this was quite a bit more productive a vacation than any in the past. A critical piece to me getting home full-time was hopefully put into place (not quite finalized yet). I could throw a lot of adjectives about how I'm feeling right now; anxious, scared, doubtful, optimistic, terrified would all be appropriate. But if I had to narrow it down to one word it would be "excited". It's an exciting time for me and the family for sure. Yeah...we bought a house. And it's THE house...I don't see us going through this process again any time soon. Of course, taking on a financial obligation like this is a pretty good reason to go into a voluntary restraint on shaving item purchases, so you won't see too many mail calls for me in the coming months.

So, where is this new abode you ask? Well, we'll be heading off to the Lone Star state and the home of the Alamo, San Antonio. For an area, it offered everything that we were wanting. Employment opportunities, reasonable cost of living, top notch health care for the kiddos, a good school system, and plenty of things to do. It just made sense to make that choice. For those who do not know, my eldest has Crohn's Disease and needs a pediatric GI specialist who specializes in Crohn's and Colitis. There are some great Dr's right there in San Antonio that will only be 30 minutes away with traffic. Right now, and pretty much everywhere else we were looking, the Dr.'s weren't nearly as good and/or the drive was close to or well exceeding 2 hours. (we drive close to three at this point)

Front entrance

View from the upstairs back patio

The time with the family truly was needed and fun, however fleeting it ended up being. (2 weeks flies by so darned fast) So, while in San Antonio, we did do some house hunting, but also combined in some fun things for the kids. Trips to the zoo, a wildlife sanctuary (you can drive your vehicle through) and Seaworld were highlights along with the Rainforest Cafe on the Riverwalk. Of course, I was really looking forward to some good BBQ, but that wasn't to be this time around. (there'll be plenty of time for that later on) HEB was another place that me and SWMBO were excited about. For those of you outside of Texas...HEB is an amazing grocery chain that rivals, (IMHO out does) Wegman's. Awesome store...and to prove that things really are bigger in TX, the HEB plus near Helotes (NW side of San Antonio) is absolutely enormous. Definitely check one out if you make a trip to central to east TX.

From a shave perspective, it was a rather slow vacation. Most shaves were with the Feather SS, alternating between A&E Signature and Wickham 1912 Ninfeo di Egeria soaps. Brush wise, I did use the Paladin Manic Depression a couple of times, but the quick drying synthetic Wolf Whiskers was mainly used. There were a couple of shaves with the RR Game Changer as well. Over the two weeks I was gone, I probably had 7 or 8 shaves, chasing, and getting to BBS most days. Up until the unboxing / first shave with the 1st Anniversary Brush, I had gone a week without a shave. Between work being hectic, (always is coming in off of leave), dealing with things regarding the house, other things happening and coming down with the crud I just didn't have the energy or time. came time. With all the renewed excitement for the Blackland Vector, I almost grabbed it for the shave. But with a week of growth, I decided the only thing to use was a true open blade, grabbing the Friodur 472. Of course, I had to use the new brush and CBL's Oud Minerale...mmmmmmmmmm....OUD.

The shave was extraordinarily good. The growth was enough that even with the wonderful edge on this razor, it was still a little hesitant in a couple of spots. This led me to believe that I was going to experience some irritation or feedback from the alum. But...after three passes (not chasing this time), I was DFS and absolutely no small talk from the alum. YES! Followed it up with a little Thayer's and Wholly Kaw King of Bourbon aftershave. Now that was a satisfying shave for sure...

I'll slowly make my way through the forum to catch up where I can...I will say that the den purge that I was threatening before is going to happen here shortly. There's a ton of stuff, too much to do a normal post, so I'm likely going to do a video advertisement (only for TSC), along with some pictures of groups to show specific flaws for some items. There are going to be some straights, DE's, SE's, and LOTS of soaps. (think in the region of 30-40 soaps, most premium).

Thanks for reading everyone...hope the week started off well for you, and it's good, to be back (posting to TSC)!