Cvargo said:Good luck on the computer. And good shave with Tuscany
cmh737 said:Looking forward to more detailed reviews....
dkeester said:Nice shave. That is a great looking straight in the pic.
clyde72 said:Great shave and read Josh! Nice B&W picture!
Quijote said:Nice shave and mail. You have acquired a great collection of soaps lately.
Xenostr8shaver said:Sorry about the Puter.... nice photos and reads
clyde72 said:Great shave and picture Josh!
Cvargo said:Nice quick recap!
dkeester said:Very nice shave. I love the Stark.
Xenostr8shaver said:Very nice shave and photo Josh, I may have to break down and try some
Smattayu said:Nice Mail Call! I've done a little reading on that one since Dave mentioned it in his journal, and it sounds like a winner.
Xenostr8shaver said:Lovely Stuff!
Quijote said:Nice shave. I can't wait to get more CL / DG.