The Shaving Cadre

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The Wild West Show - Jim's Shaving Journal

You are not the first person I have heard that has said that about this game. I no longer have a gaming system though I might pick one up this year on some sale or something. I really like to play video games...but I really suck at them. Seriously...I am not good at all. But then there are just other things in my life that I place a higher priority on. But, I am likely to get a gaming system soon. Thanks for checking in Jim!
WOWSERS! I have been a busy fella, between work, spending free time on Red Dead Redemption, and also playing a lot of NHL 19. Not to mention I have watched more Boston Bruins games this year than I ever could before (thanks to NHLTV's single team package!).

Shave wise, I shave about twice a week, and always with Doc Holliday, my Asylum RX SE with a Feather Pro Guard. I rotate between my Raven Brush Works willow handle with a timberwolf knot, and a new Wild West Brushworks Antique style also with a timberwolf knot. I am rotating between my best soaps, including the two I got from CBL, and of course WWSC.

Health wise, I am officially down 88 pounds since my surgery six months ago. I am well ahead of the curve with my weight loss. Technically they say I should be aiming for 185 as my goal weight, but everyone I know expects that I will look like a bag of bones at that weight, so my personal goal is 220. Only 40 pounds to go! And last month I was able to stop taking my blood pressure medication, because without it my normal pressure was down to 110/65.

On the home front, as I said, I am in full hockey season mode. Went to a local ECHL game, and going to another one this weekend with the boys. I had a brief flirtation with HJAS (hockey jersey acquisition syndrome), but after 4 new ones the wife has put her foot down. I tried to argue that they are useful as a clothing option, but since I can only wear them on weekends she doesn't buy it, especially at 150-200 a pop. Ah well, I can always enjoy what I have.

I will try to catch up with everyone. Glad to see the community steadily growing!

I leave you with today's song, a lively little number about minor league hockey:

Great Big Sea ~ HelmetHead

Jim! Welcome back! Happy to see ya here. Awesome on the weight loss. Also I love going to our local ECHL team games. Go Grizzlies!
Good to see you Jim! I finally "finished" RDR, but still have a lot of the little side things I can do. And there's always poker :)
Wow, great update Jim! Keep up the good shave work and health choices! Glad all is well!
Nice update Jim, Good to see you back, I thought of you last week from the Steampunk Convention you will have to make it down here some time
That is great news on the health front Jim! And man...I envy you...I would love to get down to 220...well my goal is 240 because I think I can realistically get there. I have been hovering around 265 for a while now and I really want things to kick back into gear.

We had an ECHL team close by, but they moved a couple of years ago. The wife played hockey in High School and loved to watch the games. I liked it to...but to be honest...I loved watching her watch the games. She was very animated!

Don't be a stranger Jim! We like to hear from you even if it isn't about shaving!
I am still alive. Holding around 250, which is 98 pounds from my pre-op weight. Done with my playoff beard so I will be more active with my shaving. Reports of my demise have been greatly exaggerated.
Wait...who is this guy? And left the back door open and let him in! 🤪 Great seeing you back Jim! And man oh man! 98 pounds! :oops: Congratulations! That is quite the achievement! That puts my measly old 70 pounds to shame!