The Shaving Cadre

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The TSC Hot Pepper Challenge

I need to try Apollo. I've had the PepperX sauce and enjoyed it. But as with shave soaps I have been informed I have "too many" (whatever that means) hot sauces and must work through some.

I need to try Apollo. I've had the PepperX sauce and enjoyed it. But as with shave soaps I have been informed I have "too many" (whatever that means) hot sauces and must work through some.
I have quite a few myself. I did the Hot Ones subscription box for 3 seasons. Quite only because I was getting them faster than I could use them, and running out of counter space.
No video, but I did chomp down on the habanero during this evening's Zoom call. Mild hiccups for a few minutes and some leaky eyeball glands. It does taste better when charred and turned into sauce though. It wasn't stale, nor did I need my mom's permission. :sneaky: Can I be an "honorary" member/survivor?
Someone has the video, last night on the Zoom call I ate one of KJ's Ghost peppers! I was nervous and it was HOT, but I got it down!
When I am done with work I will get it uploaded to YouTube and share a private link here. It's raw and won't have any editing so I will keep it private so it's only visible here.