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The TSC Hot Pepper Challenge

Ok, I just ate a ghost and a reaper back to back. The reaper was not as hot as I was expecting....

John, I’m curious how you think the reaper compared to the Scorpion I sent you before. I think the scorpion was much hotter.

Tony, how do you think the reapers compare to the ghosts I sent you?
Ok, I just ate a ghost and a reaper back to back. The reaper was not as hot as I was expecting....

John, I’m curious how you think the reaper compared to the Scorpion I sent you before. I think the scorpion was much hotter.

Tony, how do you think the reapers compare to the ghosts I sent you?
Good job.
Reaper compared to Scorpion: My thought was the scorpion was hotter. . My reaction was worse with the scorpion and I agree the adrenalin rush seemed more with the scorpion. But that was a year ago and before I started eating all the crazy hot stuff challenges so I can't say for sure

I will say that the reaper was better tasting than the scorpion.
Even had official crickets in the background. We need something else to be better reactions. Maybe a quart of sour milk? Blended sardine and ice cream shake? White Claw?
Even had official crickets in the background. We need something else to be better reactions. Maybe a quart of sour milk? Blended sardine and ice cream shake? White Claw?
Or more people to eat the peppers. Dave I bet you eating a reaper or ghost peppers would be great TV!
Nice video kj! Looking forward to getting my reaper in on Monday I think. Hottest actual pepper for me was the habanero so this should be interesting.

Chip will be eaten either tonight or tomorrow.
@Spider I've had several of your ghosts now in foods (mostly breakfast eggs) and I'd agree they are about as hot as my reapers. The reapers were grown in a pot, in partial shade on my deck so animals wouldnt eat the plant. They are near a bell pepper plant, but my understanding is that even if cross pollination occurs it only effects the next generation seeds, not the current fruit.

In any case incredible job eating those back to back. I feel like I should at least give one a whirl now.
Ok, I just ate a ghost and a reaper back to back. The reaper was not as hot as I was expecting....

John, I’m curious how you think the reaper compared to the Scorpion I sent you before. I think the scorpion was much hotter.

Tony, how do you think the reapers compare to the ghosts I sent you?
3-fer? Nice KJ! Yea that last one just didn’t seem to have the bang the second did.
Ok folks, here you go. Should be at least mildly entertaining.
Major kudos man...I thought we were gonna see our first on screen, synchronized upchuck there for a second, lol...but you guys kept it together! Nicely done!
3-fer? Nice KJ! Yea that last one just didn’t seem to have the bang the second did.

Major kudos man...I thought we were gonna see our first on screen, synchronized upchuck there for a second, lol...but you guys kept it together! Nicely done!
Yeah, the hiccup that hit as I was about to swallow some remnants was mildly terrifying until I cleared my airway again.
Alright watched the video Kyle. And kudos to Stacy.

And you both confirmed I will NEVER be buying one of those chips of death.