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The TSC Hot Pepper Challenge

Ha! I was a little worried when he said level 1 was pretty hot. Nice job Kyle.

Now, how do you feel today?
Kyle, I think my sound was going on and off at the end there. Didn’t hear you saying much :ROFLMAO:
Nothing heard from Kyle yet..... did we kill him?
Will the capsaicin cause the double pain on exit?
That part wasn’t so bad. The worst part was the stomach pain that came a few hours after the challenge.
Had a good bit of stomach pain about 4 hrs later but nothing crazy. Then had to get out the door in a hurry for a dog training class. Ice water helped a lot with the stomach.
Not sure my tongue is tasting things right though. Last night I had a ginger beer an hr after and it had zero ginger burn and was super sweet.
John. Nice job. It really affected you more than I thought it would. It cooled off for me a lot quicker than it did you. By the end, I didn’t even have a desire to get a drink or anything.

I’m curious John and Kyle, did you feel the death nut ramp up in increments? I commented as I went on how it got hotter at several points during the first 3.5 minutes or so. Wondered if you experienced the same thing. I thought that aspect of it was very neat.

Let me know tomorrow how the stomach is. The worst part is coming.....
I’m curious John and Kyle, did you feel the death nut ramp up in increments? I commented as I went on how it got hotter at several points during the first 3.5 minutes or so. Wondered if you experienced the same thing. I thought that aspect of it was very neat.
It felt like it was a pretty steady ramp up. I was hoping for a dying off but it really didn't until about the end of the video. The worst part was the stomach started hurting about half way through the Death nut and just got worse.

Let me know tomorrow how the stomach is. The worst part is coming.....
I think that this is the worse part. The heat was bad but about 5 minutes after the video it was fine. The stomach is not happy at all. I feel like I am on the verge of vomiting which I can't image would be a good idea.
I think that this is the worse part. The heat was bad but about 5 minutes after the video it was fine. The stomach is not happy at all. I feel like I am on the verge of vomiting which I can't image would be a good idea.
My stomach didn’t start hurting until about 4 hours after I was done. When I ate the scorpion, that hit me as soon as I woke up in the morning, since I ate it later in the day. I did these after lunch specifically to get that overwith before I slept.
Well it is done. The Death Nut!!! 13 Million Scovilles! What was I thinking?

Nice job Jon, Your facial expressions say it ALL, You won the internet

Revelation 13:22
..and the Lord said " thou shall not be tempted by Satan and the end of times to do the Death Nut Challenge" 😂😇
Bravo John. It was particularly interesting to watch after having done it myself.

I would say the first 3 levels I would actually eat just because they were good. 4 not so much and hell no to 5.

The death Nut for sure ramped up to arou d the 3 min mark and then held to the 4 and the slowly dropped off. The stomach hit me 4 or 5 hrs later and while not the worst I have ever felt was not pleasant. I was fine by morning aside from my sense of taste being off most of the day after.