Bummer about the Chiseled Face order. I happen to really like the GTB, enough that I believe it will go down in history as one of the classics. The soap is great middle of the road stuff that gets a notch better once you get it figured out. Not the best but quite serviceable. Cryogen is one of my favorite scents, the menthol and Tallow make for a very enjoyable scent to my nose. I recently gave his bay rum a sniff...very enjoyable interpretation. I for one have never been able to use CFG samples with any success, for me it’s load from the tub or not at all... just can’t do it.
Others have said it but it but it’s true, Ron is a stellar example of how artisan shops should treat their patrons.
Next time I pack anything to go your direction I’ll send some of Ron’s newest line, Stubble Buster. It’s a fantastic and simple recipe in somewhat generic cologne like scents that he designed to be sold under $10 per tub. I dare say it performes better than the original CFG line. I think he was smart to create a separate brand/line rather than change the recipe but use the same name.
Hand watering that that garden is going to be fun. I ran drip line with various different flow rate offshoots and put a hose connection on one end. The cost was minimal and totally portable so I could remove it and rototill the put it back.