I guess my point is not changing it up for variety... I get that. Someone a few days ago posted (maybe Don, but I can't remember) that in regard to the Rockwell, they would use plate 3 for one day of growth, plate 4 for two days of growth, and plate 5 for three days of growth (or somehtign to that effect). This is mainly what I'm getting at. Why? As I said before the amount of growth is irrelevant to me. In the case of the rockwell, I would use Plate 4, because that the one I like the best, and I will use that for every shave, no matter what. Doug elluded to the fact thatit could be all mental. Maybe they believe that it will affect their shave (and therefore does). I'm just curious if theres, more to it, and if anyone does that, to explain why. Don, was that you?
I think it boils down to beard type with regards to days growth. If one doesn't have a thick beard and has thin, fine whiskers, then it probably doesn't matter what type of razor one uses after any number of days. But if one has a very thick beard, with coarse, copper safety wire type whiskers (like me), then a more aggressive razor definitely takes more off on that first pass after several days. For me, on the rare cases where I've gone several days between shaves, I've found that the most comfortable and efficient razor for that situation is my Schick Injector. Even more so than a traditional straight. But maybe it's all mental anyway.
I think Chris kind of hit it on the head. I'm not saying that I have the thickest coarsest beard out there...but it is pretty thick and course. I also like to let the facial hair grow on the weekend. So on that Monday shave, I will ramp up the aggressiveness, sometimes. In a more mild razor and with thicker growth...sometimes it does take an extra pass. But a more aggressive razor I can get rid of it pretty quick. Is this in my head? Maybe. But at some point a super mild razor will take you more passes to get DFS or BBS than a more aggressive one. Rockwell plate #1 for instance. That is about as mild as it gets. I can't get BBS in three passes on the Rockwell Plate #1. hell, I couldn't get BBS in four passes and EXTENSIVE cleanup. Plate two was better...but it took me like five passes to get BBS and cleanup. Plate #3 I got there and plate #4 I got there a lot quicker. I do think there is a tipping point though...at some point a blade gap is just a blade gap and a blade is just a blade. Just my two cents...