The Shaving Cadre

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Sumo January 2023 Basho Discussion and Contest

Rough day for my guys, but some really great sumo! Ananoyama 2-0, just ripped right through that guy!
I know that Tochinoshin is probably nearing retirement this year, but man his initial charge still seems like one of the strongest in the top division. You have to be ready to get hit by a truck at the beginning of that match... Sadly he just doesn't have the legs to do much after the charge it seems.
Man, that ENHO match in Juryo was 🔥
I'm gonna say it... Asanoyama looks like a man amongst boys even in Juryo so far. Now granted he hasn't hit the top of the Juryo division, but he doesn't even look like he's put it into second gear yet.
Here's our entries. Not as many as I expected. But hey first time. So @Spider if you need the full excel I'll do that when I get off work. Work computer won't let me.

TSC UserNameOzeki and SekiwakeKomusubiM1 to M5M6 to M10M11 to M16BONUS Worth 5 Points. Who will win Juryo?

Also posting on first post of thread to refer back to
Ura's match was quick but intense. He just plowed straight through Oho.

After Day 3
Rough day for my picks. I do stand by my comment thus far I haven't seen anything that sways me from thinking Asanoyama can win this basho in Juryo going 15-0