The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Straight Faced Honing and Restoration

They are favorites of mine!
View attachment 92129
Nice... I keep looking at red imps, but I can't find ones in decent enough condition for a good deal to get.. The ones I see locally are stupid price for their shape. Blades completely rusted to the point that if you were to try to remove the rust the blades will just crumble and they still want 50 to 100 dollars !!
Nice... I keep looking at red imps, but I can't find ones in decent enough condition for a good deal to get.. The ones I see locally are stupid price for their shape. Blades completely rusted to the point that if you were to try to remove the rust the blades will just crumble and they still want 50 to 100 dollars !!
@Jaro1069 I'm trying to raise money for a business I'm starting. I have a few of them stowed away in a cabinet, so I'll have to dig for them, but once I find them I'll send you a message.
Hey friends, it’s been a long time! I’m sorry, but unfortunately I will no longer be taking on any new straight razor work. With my side business picking up, my day job becoming much more demanding, and my son being involved in after school sports I cannot make a full commitment to providing timely razor services. Thank you to everyone! I’m glad to answer questions anytime and I’m not going anywhere.

Thank you to the TSC Owners for the opportunity!