The Shaving Cadre

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Spider-Man’s shave VLOG

Great Video, KJ, I get mine tomorrow also feel free to send me some razors for Eval and honing if you want 3 at a time is best for time purposes I uses all Coticule / Arkansas stones to sharp but smooth Let me know
Bonus! Second video this weekend. Just had to after receiving this collaboration soap from @Dragonsbeard and @CBLindsay !

Awesome vid my friend! Glad you liked the collaboration between CBL and ETHOS. I gotta say I was a little nervous when you were talking and shaving around your mouth with that Shavette but good technique as well. Just curious how long did the cooling sensation last? Oh and btw I had to verbally over the phone twist Chris's arm to add more lime to the Shave Soap and don't tell him but I added an extra drop or two of Lime essential oil to the Skin Food splash LOL
also feel free to send me some razors for Eval and honing
Cool Thanks. I'll go through them and get your opinion on what some good candidates would be.

Just curious how long did the cooling sensation last?
Hmm... I didn't really pay attention. Maybe 10-15 min post shave? One thing I did notice was that when I applied the skin food, I did not feel a boost in the cooling. I also applied the skin food later in the day, all by itself, and I still did not get any cooling effect from it. I had to check the label to see if there was any cooling agent in it. Then, I realized that the two products contain different agents. The soap has WS-12, and The skin food was WS-23 (I believe). Was that decision based on solubility? WS-23 is weaker than menthol, so maybe more is needed? I dunno, that was just first use and impression. I'l try again and pay more attention to it.
Watched your video from Saturday. That water was still sploshing around in there when you quit shaking.
Well my point was the instructions were you're supposed to shake it up until you can't hear anything any more :p
I thought I talked about that in the video, but maybe I was just thinking it. When I used Southern Witchcrafts soap that happened very quickly and I could feel it changing as I shook..... with the Oz Shaving soap is seemed to be taking forever and got to a point where I didn't feel it changing at all, so I stopped early. As you can see it didn't much matter, because I still produced more than adequate lather.
I did pick up the lime skin food today after work and did a quick application. This time I felt the cooling, but it was still on the weaker side and only lasted a couple minutes.
“You start a tarantula collection” Nooooo YOU start a tarantula collection. I do not wish to touch them.