The Shaving Cadre

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Spider’s Motorcycle Adventures

Oh, you'll be caught in rain at some point in riding sometime. Hehe I know what you mean by surprised you weren't more tired. I could ride to Florida and be exhausted if in the car. Went to visit a friend in Tampa having a hard time to perk him up. Left the house in the morning and was greeted in his driveway with him handing me a beer 11 hours later. I never did an official Iron Butt run but did many without logging to get the certificate. Enjoy the conference and the ride......
And I should add that the jacket that Dave in KY gave me is awesome. Cool weather or hot, it keeps me comfortable. I can't thank you enough for that PIF Dave!

Safe ride back!
Oh, I know. I have some lightweight rain coat and pants in my saddlebags just in case!
Good call on having them on hand. Don't know what they are. Most made me sweat too much, I might as well just let the rain soak me. Best to get are Frogg Toggs. They breath and keep you bone dry.
Good call on having them on hand. Don't know what they are. Most made me sweat too much, I might as well just let the rain soak me. Best to get are Frogg Toggs. They breath and keep you bone dry.

Yeah, mine suck. It's what I had on hand. Military issue. They don't breathe, at all. But it's just in case anyway. I have ridden briefly in the rain before and the worst part is the front of my legs (below the knees). So I figure Id start with the pants, if needed and probably not use the top. I'll look into the Frogg Toggs. Thanks.
So, yesterday I rode the bike to the city of Clinton, which it about 35 minutes away to attend their Lodge. We are not holding lodge this month so I wanted to go to theirs. And I know some of the brothers there, so it's good to get out to other lodges and see how others do things.

On my way down I was following behind a car, keeping plenty of distance between us, maybe 100ft or so. Then I see a truck at the end of a driveway on my right, wanting to turn left. Well, as soon as the car passed in front of him, he pulled out..... the jerk never even saw me. Had to slam on the brakes and probably came within 10-15 ft of hitting his back quarter. If I hadn't been able to slow down I definitely would have. I would think that wearing a bright yellow jacket (thanks again Dave), that I would be fairly easy to see. I was wrong. Just a good reminder to me that people are idiots, and to always keep my head on a swivel.
So, yesterday I rode the bike to the city of Clinton, which it about 35 minutes away to attend their Lodge. We are not holding lodge this month so I wanted to go to theirs. And I know some of the brothers there, so it's good to get out to other lodges and see how others do things.

On my way down I was following behind a car, keeping plenty of distance between us, maybe 100ft or so. Then I see a truck at the end of a driveway on my right, wanting to turn left. Well, as soon as the car passed in front of him, he pulled out..... the jerk never even saw me. Had to slam on the brakes and probably came within 10-15 ft of hitting his back quarter. If I hadn't been able to slow down I definitely would have. I would think that wearing a bright yellow jacket (thanks again Dave), that I would be fairly easy to see. I was wrong. Just a good reminder to me that people are idiots, and to always keep my head on a swivel.
My motto was always,"Ride like everyone is trying to kill you" Glad you were on alert.
I sense a new meme. What could KJ wear to be more visible....
Obviously the solution is to pick up Chuck Norris’ motorcycle from Delta Force. A single missile would have taken care of that fool.

Not unless he's driving backwards.

But at least he has his spidey senses that kept him safe!
I rescued a box turtle on my ride home last night. As I was about a half mile from my house, I saw an Ornate Box Turtle in the road, but flipped upside down on his back. He was right after a curve in the road, and I thought he might get hit. So, seeing no other cars on the road (country road, little traffic anyway), I stopped, parked my bike and picked him up. I set him off in the ditch to live another day. Felt pretty good about that.
Good man! Hope the little guy lives a long life.
Could be on your ride out earlier, the wave of Veg knocked him on his back?