Jr. Shave Member
Thanks for your fine review. I have the original Supply and was wondering about the Pro.
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It really is a quality product. I had seen many people say the same thing about their 2.0, how it was satisfyingly heavy, and now I see why. I'm used to the vintage injectors which are all pretty lightweight by comparison. I think one of the best parts, and something that adjustables sometimes don't get right, is that there is a wide range between the lower settings and the high. On 1 or 2 it is very gentle and on 5 or 6 you really feel the blade.
I have one of those. Used it a handful of times and never got a good shave out of it. Bummer man.
I hate to give up too easily on any razor but this one is frustrating. I feel like it should be a great razor and it's just not happening for me. I also think it's telling that I almost never see it in SOTDs or videos. I'm sure there are plenty of people who like it but I don't know any.