The Shaving Cadre

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Shawn's forging shed

The leather isn't as yellow as it looks in the photo. It's a light buckskin color though.
Thanks Dave. Still need work on my filing. Was trying a different pattern, but didn't get it perfect...

"Perfect" would be too easy for someone to copy! "Unique" or "signature" is what you want!

Everything is looking great, Shawn!
Not much updating I know. Sorry about that. New job has me working long hours. I did get out last weekend. Did some more grinding on the razors and was going to heat treat them. I drilled one hole and tried to drill the second and it was already too hard to drill. So I heated the tang and stuck it in vermiculite to cool slowly so hopefully it will anneal enough for me to drill it. So I can harden it..... Sounds counter-productive doesn't it?

Started hammering out another knife. Got the tang almost to where I wanted it and ran out of propane for the forge.... Couldn't get that filled until after work on monday, so nothing else has happened since.

I did get some cool news though. At least to me anyhow. I got two more orders for tobacco plug cutters. One will be going all the way to Australia!!!!
Seems like I have the world wide market on them haha!
Glad to see that people all over the world are appreciating your creations.
Thanks Don, Chris, and Eric! I was surprised but flattered at the same time.

Got out for a bit today........ Your birthday is supposed to be a good day right? Well it wasn't starting that way...
Lit the propane forge to finish a project and heat treat a couple razors. I managed to get the razors heated enough to normalize and quench them, but my line and regulator were freezing so bad I couldn't forge with it.

So I figured I'd light the coal forge and try to get this other project at least forged out. Everything was so damp it fought me for 45 minutes just trying to get the stupid fire lit. Finally got it going though and got the rest of that piece hammered out though.
Not giving many details because it is that time of year you know, and quite a few people I know watch this thread, so sorry about that.

I will show you the fire though. Fire is good...

Sorry to hear about the rough start, but a very happy birthday to you, and hopefully it will improve.
Sounds like a rough start! But I am sure you can get through it. Aren't you supposed to be relaxing on your Birthday? Anyway...Happy Birthday Shawn!